Jean Belanger
Jean Belanger
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Real-time simulation of a wind turbine generator coupled with a battery supercapacitor energy storage system
W Li, G Joós, J Bélanger
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (4), 1137-1145, 2009
The what, where and why of real-time simulation
J Bélanger, P Venne, JN Paquin
Planet Rt 1 (1), 25-29, 2010
A combined state-space nodal method for the simulation of power system transients
C Dufour, J Mahseredjian, J Bélanger
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (2), 928-935, 2010
Interfacing issues in real-time digital simulators
W Ren, M Sloderbeck, M Steurer, V Dinavahi, T Noda, S Filizadeh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (2), 1221-1230, 2010
Essai sur la solution numerique de quelques problemes relatifs au mouvement permanent des eaux courantes; par m. J.-B. Belanger..
JB Belanger
Chez Carilian-Goeury, libraire, des corps royaux des ponts et chaussees et …, 1828
Real-time PC-based simulator of electric systems and drives
S Abourida, C Dufour, J Bélanger, G Murere, N Lechevin, B Yu
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2002
On the use of real-time simulation technology in smart grid research and development
C Dufour, J Bélanger
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (6), 3963-3970, 2014
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of power drives with RT-LAB
C Dufour, S Abourida, J Belanger
2005 International conference on power electronics and drives systems 2 …, 2005
An equivalent circuit method for modelling and simulation of modular multilevel converters in real-time HIL test bench
W Li, J Bélanger
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (5), 2401-2409, 2016
Real-time simulation of a complete pmsm drive at 10 µs time step
M Harakawa, H Yamasaki, T Nagano, S Abourida, C Dufour, J Bélanger
at the 2005 International Power Electronics Conference-Niigata (IPEC-Niigata …, 2005
Practical definitions for powers in systems with nonsinusoidal waveforms and unbalanced loads: a discussion
R Arseneau, Y Baghzouz, J Belanger, K Bowes, A Braun, A Chiaravallo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 11 (1), 79-101, 1996
Notes sur l'Hydraulique
JB Bélanger
Ecole Royale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France, session 1842, 223, 1841
A modular multilevel converter pulse generation and capacitor voltage balance method optimized for FPGA implementation
W Li, LA Gregoire, J Belanger
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 62 (5), 2859-2867, 2014
Transformer saturation effects on EHV system overvoltages
G Sybille, MM Gavrilovic, J Belanger, VQ Do
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 671-680, 1985
FPGA-based real-time simulation of finite-element analysis permanent magnet synchronous machine drives
C Dufour, J Bélanger, S Abourida, V Lapointe
2007 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 909-915, 2007
Control and performance of a modular multilevel converter system
W Li, LA Gregoire, J Bélanger
CIGRÉ Canada, Conference on Power Systems, Halifax 1 (01), 2011
Real-time simulation of permanent magnet motor drive on FPGA chip for high-bandwidth controller tests and validation
C Dufour, S Abourida, J Bélanger, V Lapointe
IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 4581-4586, 2006
Real-time simulation technologies in education: a link to modern engineering methods and practices
C Dufour, C Andrade, J Bélanger
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Engineering and Technology Edu.(INTERTECH 2010), 7-10, 2010
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of finite-element based motor drives with RT-LAB and JMAG
S Abourida, C Dufour, J Bélanger, T Yamada, T Arasawa
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 3, 2462-2466, 2006
A PC-based real-time parallel simulator of electric systems and drives
C Dufour, J Bélanger
Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, 2004. International Conference …, 2004
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