Frank W. Albert
Cited by
Cited by
The evolution of gene expression levels in mammalian organs
D Brawand, M Soumillon, A Necsulea, P Julien, G Csárdi, P Harrigan, ...
Nature 478 (7369), 343-348, 2011
The role of regulatory variation in complex traits and disease
FW Albert, L Kruglyak
Nature Reviews Genetics 16 (4), 197-212, 2015
Rabbit genome analysis reveals a polygenic basis for phenotypic change during domestication
M Carneiro, CJ Rubin, F Di Palma, FW Albert, J Alföldi, AM Barrio, ...
Science 345 (6200), 1074-1079, 2014
Targeted investigation of the Neandertal genome by array-based sequence capture
HA Burbano, E Hodges, RE Green, AW Briggs, J Krause, M Meyer, ...
Science 328 (5979), 723-725, 2010
Phenotypic differences in behavior, physiology and neurochemistry between rats selected for tameness and for defensive aggression towards humans
FW Albert, O Shchepina, C Winter, H Römpler, D Teupser, R Palme, ...
Hormones and behavior 53 (3), 413-421, 2008
Genetics of trans-regulatory variation in gene expression
FW Albert, JS Bloom, J Siegel, L Day, L Kruglyak
Elife 7, e35471, 2018
Genetic interactions contribute less than additive effects to quantitative trait variation in yeast
JS Bloom, I Kotenko, MJ Sadhu, S Treusch, FW Albert, L Kruglyak
Nature communications 6 (1), 8712, 2015
A comparison of brain gene expression levels in domesticated and wild animals
FW Albert, M Somel, M Carneiro, A Aximu-Petri, M Halbwax, O Thalmann, ...
PLoS Genetics 8 (9), e1002962, 2012
Genetics of single-cell protein abundance variation in large yeast populations
FW Albert, S Treusch, AH Shockley, JS Bloom, L Kruglyak
Nature 506 (7489), 494-497, 2014
Genetic architecture of tameness in a rat model of animal domestication
FW Albert, O Carlborg, I Plyusnina, F Besnier, D Hedwig, ...
Genetics 182 (2), 541-554, 2009
Altered immune response in mice deficient for the G protein-coupled receptor GPR34
I Liebscher, U Müller, D Teupser, E Engemaier, KMY Engel, L Ritscher, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (3), 2101-2110, 2011
The genomic architecture of population divergence between subspecies of the European rabbit
M Carneiro, FW Albert, S Afonso, RJ Pereira, H Burbano, R Campos, ...
PLoS Genetics 10 (8), e1003519, 2014
Genetic influences on translation in yeast
FW Albert, D Muzzey, J Weissman, L Kruglyak
PLoS Genetics 10 (10), e1004692, 2014
Evidence for Widespread Positive and Purifying Selection Across the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Genome
M Carneiro, FW Albert, J Melo-Ferreira, N Galtier, P Gayral, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (7), 1837-1849, 2012
Genetic Influences on Brain Gene Expression in Rats Selected for Tameness and Aggression
HO Heyne, S Lautenschlaeger, R Nelson, F Besnier, M Rotival, A Cagan, ...
Genetics 198 (3), 1277-1290, 2014
Genetic Mapping of MAPK-Mediated Complex Traits Across S. cerevisiae
S Treusch, FW Albert, JS Bloom, IE Kotenko, L Kruglyak
PLoS genetics 11 (1), e1004913, 2015
Simultaneous quantification of mRNA and protein in single cells reveals post-transcriptional effects of genetic variation
C Brion, SM Lutz, FW Albert
Elife 9, e60645, 2020
Comparative population genomics of the ejaculate in humans and the great apes
JM Good, V Wiebe, FW Albert, HA Burbano, M Kircher, RE Green, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (4), 964-976, 2013
A locus for an auditory processing deficit and language impairment in an extended pedigree maps to 12p13. 31‐q14. 3
L Addis, AD Friederici, SA Kotz, B Sabisch, J Barry, N Richter, AA Ludwig, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior 9 (6), 545-561, 2010
DNA variants affecting the expression of numerous genes in trans have diverse mechanisms of action and evolutionary histories
S Lutz, C Brion, M Kliebhan, FW Albert
PLoS Genetics 15 (11), e1008375, 2019
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Articles 1–20