Chi Liu
Chi Liu
PhD @Carnegie Mellon University; Applied Scientist @Amazon Lab126
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Cited by
Epithelium-stroma classification via convolutional neural networks and unsupervised domain adaptation in histopathological images
Y Huang, H Zheng, C Liu, X Ding, GK Rohde
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (6), 1625-1632, 2017
SetSVM: an approach to set classification in nuclei-based cancer detection
C Liu, Y Huang, JA Ozolek, MG Hanna, R Singh, GK Rohde
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (1), 351-361, 2018
Detecting and segmenting cell nuclei in two-dimensional microscopy images
C Liu, F Shang, JA Ozolek, GK Rohde
Journal of Pathology Informatics 7 (1), 42, 2016
Impact of altering various image parameters on human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 image analysis data quality
L Pantanowitz, C Liu, Y Huang, H Guo, GK Ronde
Journal of Pathology Informatics 8 (1), 39, 2017
Localizing and extracting filament distributions from microscopy images
S Basu, C Liu, GK Rohde
Journal of microscopy 258 (1), 13-23, 2015
Classify epithelium‐stroma in histopathological images based on deep transferable network
X Yu, H Zheng, C Liu, Y Huang, X Ding
Journal of microscopy 271 (2), 164-173, 2018
Predictive nuclear chromatin characteristics of melanoma and dysplastic nevi
MG Hanna, C Liu, GK Rohde, R Singh
Journal of Pathology Informatics 8 (1), 15, 2017
Multimodal neural radiance field
H Zhu, Y Sun, C Liu, L Xia, J Luo, N Qiao, R Nevatia, CH Kuo
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 9393-9399, 2023
A supervised learning framework for pancreatic islet segmentation with multi‐scale color‐texture features and rolling guidance filters
Y Huang, C Liu, JF Eisses, SZ Husain, GK Rohde
Cytometry Part A 89 (10), 893-902, 2016
Extraction of individual filaments from 2D confocal microscopy images of flat cells
S Basu, C Liu, GK Rohde
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 12 (3 …, 2014
Epithelium-stroma classification in histopathological images via convolutional neural networks and self-taught learning
Y Huang, H Zheng, C Liu, G Rohde, D Zeng, J Wang, X Ding
2017 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2017
Hierarchical feature extraction for nuclear morphometry-based cancer diagnosis
C Liu, Y Huang, L Han, JA Ozolek, GK Rohde
Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications: First …, 2016
GenRC: Generative 3D room completion from sparse image collections
MF Li, YF Ku, HX Yen, C Liu, YL Liu, A Chen, CH Kuo, M Sun
Nuclear Morphometry based Pattern Recognition in Pathology
C Liu
Carnegie Mellon University, 2017
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Articles 1–14