Marcel Hoosbeek
Marcel Hoosbeek
Wageningen University, Soil Chemistry
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Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests
L Poorter, MT van der Sande, J Thompson, EJMM Arets, A Alarcón, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (11), 1314-1328, 2015
Simple additive effects are rare: a quantitative review of plant biomass and soil process responses to combined manipulations of CO2 and temperature
WIJ Dieleman, S Vicca, FA Dijkstra, F Hagedorn, MJ Hovenden, ...
Global change biology 18 (9), 2681-2693, 2012
Mycorrhizal hyphal turnover as a dominant process for carbon input into soil organic matter
DL Godbold, MR Hoosbeek, M Lukac, MF Cotrufo, IA Janssens, ...
Plant and soil 281, 15-24, 2006
Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs
F Berendse, N Van Breemen, HÅ Rydin, A Buttler, M Heijmans, ...
Global change biology 7 (5), 591-598, 2001
Increases in nitrogen uptake rather than nitrogen-use efficiency support higher rates of temperate forest productivity under elevated CO2
AC Finzi, RJ Norby, C Calfapietra, A Gallet-Budynek, B Gielen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (35), 14014-14019, 2007
Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass
C Terrer, RB Jackson, IC Prentice, TF Keenan, C Kaiser, S Vicca, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (9), 684-689, 2019
Towards the quantitative modeling of pedogenesis—a review
MR Hoosbeek, RB Bryant
Geoderma 55 (3-4), 183-210, 1992
More new carbon in the mineral soil of a poplar plantation under Free Air Carbon Enrichment (POPFACE): cause of increased priming effect?
MR Hoosbeek, M Lukac, D van Dam, DL Godbold, EJ Velthorst, FA Biondi, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 18 (1), 2004
Climatic modifiers of the response to nitrogen deposition in peat‐forming Sphagnum mosses: a meta‐analysis
J Limpens, G Granath, U Gunnarsson, R Aerts, S Bayley, L Bragazza, ...
New Phytologist 191 (2), 496-507, 2011
Woody biomass production during the second rotation of a bio‐energy Populus plantation increases in a future high CO2 world
M Liberloo, C Calfapietra, M Lukac, D Godbold, ZHIBIN LUO, A Polle, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (6), 1094-1106, 2006
Relationships among testate amoebae (Protozoa), vegetation and water chemistry in five Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in Europe
EAD Mitchell, A Buttler, P Grosvernier, HÅ Rydin, C Albinsson, ...
The New Phytologist 145 (1), 95-106, 2000
Soil fertility and species traits, but not diversity, drive productivity and biomass stocks in a Guyanese tropical rainforest
MT van der Sande, EJMM Arets, M Peña‐Claros, MR Hoosbeek, ...
Functional Ecology 32 (2), 461-474, 2018
On the relations between complex systems and the factorial model of soil formation (with Discussion)
JD Phillips
Geoderma 86 (1-2), 1-21, 1998
Spatial and temporal performance of the MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) system on bog ecosystems in northern and central Europe
F Miglietta, MR Hoosbeek, J Foot, F Gigon, A Hassinen, M Heijmans, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 66, 107-127, 2001
Uncertainties in the fate of nitrogen I: An overview of sources of uncertainty illustrated with a Dutch case study
C Kroeze, R Aerts, N van Breemen, D van Dam, P Hofschreuder, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 66, 43-69, 2003
Net carbon storage in a poplar plantation (POPFACE) after three years of free-air CO2 enrichment
B Gielen, C Calfapietra, M Lukac, VE Wittig, P De Angelis, IA Janssens, ...
Tree Physiology 25 (11), 1399-1408, 2005
Trees enhance soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in a silvopastoral system in south-western Nicaragua
MR Hoosbeek, RP Remme, GM Rusch
Agroforestry Systems 92, 263-273, 2018
SOMPROF: A vertically explicit soil organic matter model
MC Braakhekke, C Beer, MR Hoosbeek, M Reichstein, B Kruijt, ...
Ecological Modelling 222 (10), 1712-1730, 2011
Potassium limits potential growth of bog vegetation under elevated atmospheric CO2 and N deposition
MR Hoosbeek, N Van Breemen, H Vasander, A Buttler, F Berendse
Global Change Biology 8 (11), 1130-1138, 2002
Free Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Increased Labile and Total Carbon in the Mineral Soil of a Short Rotation Poplar Plantation
MR Hoosbeek, Y Li, GE Scarascia-Mugnozza
Plant and Soil 281, 247-254, 2006
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Articles 1–20