Ivana Pavić
Ivana Pavić
University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics & Business
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
The Impact of accounting estimates on financial position and business performance–case of non-current intangible and tangible assets
IM Sacer, SS Malis, I Pavic
Procedia Economics and Finance 39, 399-411, 2016
The influence of accounting regulation simplification on the financial reporting of micro entities–the case of Croatia
I Mamić Sačer, N Dečman, I Sever
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 28 (1), 593-607, 2015
Komparativna analiza vrhovnih revizijskih institucija u Republici Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini
I Mamić Sačer, D Vuković, I Pavlić
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, 204-224, 2015
REVIZIJA nadzorni mehanizam korporativnog upravljanja
M Brozović, I Mamić Sačer, I Pavić, S Sever Mališ, B Tušek, L Žager
Računovodstvo I - priručnik za vježbe
I Barišić, M Brozović, N Dečman, A Ježovita, A Novak, I Pavić
Harmonizacija i standardizacija financijskog izvještavanja malih i srednjih poduzeća
N Dečman, I Mamić Sačer, S Sever Mališ, I Sever, B Tušek, K Žager, ...
Primjena Međunarodnih standarda financijskog izvještavanja - studije slučaja
I Mamić Sačer, I Sever
Liquidity management in small and medium sized entities
N Dečman, I Sever
6th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business: Beyond …, 2012
Which Digital Tools dominate Secondary and Higher Education in Economics: Google, Microsoft or Zoom?
I Pavić, V Mijušković, L Žager
Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for …, 2022
DRŽAVNA REVIZIJA pretpostavka odgovornosti i transparentnosti u javnom sektoru
V Akrap, M Brozović, I Klešić, I Mamić Sačer, I Pavić, L Pernar, N Rogošić, ...
Do Croatian quoted companies satisfy IFRS disclosure requirements of accounting estimates for investment property?
I Pavic, IM Sacer, M Brozovic
Procedia economics and finance 39, 389-398, 2016
Employee-Related indicators in the non-financial reporting in hospitality industry
I Načinović Braje, I Pavić, D Ferjanić Hodak
Ekonomska misao i praksa 29 (2), 559-578, 2020
Supreme Audit Institutions Annual Reporting to Parliament and General Public–European Union Member States Experience
I Mamić Sačer, I Pavić, D Vuković
Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy, 42-54, 2017
An accountability of supreme audit institutions in the European Union countries
I Mamić Sačer, L Žager, I Sever
The 5th International Scientific Conference „Entrepreneurship and …, 2011
Utjecaj preporuka državnih revizora na povećanje učinkovitosti javnih poduzeća
I Mamić Sačar, D Vuković, I Pavić
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, 11-28, 2016
Računovodstvo-priručnik za vježbe
S Broz Tominac, I Čevizović, M Dragija, M Hladika, A Oluić, H Perčević, ...
Utjecaj nacionalnih računovodstvenih regulativa na financijsko izvještavanje
I Mamić Sačer, I Sever
Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 8 (2), 179-194, 2010
The impact of brand valuation on company’s financial position
K Žager, I Pavić, A Rep
11th FEB Zagreb International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business …, 2020
The influence of changes in the notes on evaluation of indebtedness and other performance measures–The analysis of lease financing
I Pavić, N Dečman, I Mamić Sačer
Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and …, 2017
Disclosure practice and perspectives of notes to financial statements in Croatian tourism companies
I Mamić Sačer, I Pavić, A Rep
30th International Business Information Management Association Conference …, 2017
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20