Jacob A. Bentley, PhD, ABPP
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Cited by
Assistive technology and people: a position paper from the first global research, innovation and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit
D Desmond, N Layton, J Bentley, FH Boot, J Borg, BM Dhungana, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 13 (5), 437-444, 2018
Lockdown-related disparities experienced by people with disabilities during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Scoping review with thematic analysis
TS Jesus, S Bhattacharjya, C Papadimitriou, Y Bogdanova, J Bentley, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (12), 6178, 2021
The Refugee Empowerment Task Forc e International Networking Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Lockdown-related disparities experienced by people with …
TS Jesus, S Bhattacharjya, C Papadimitriou, Y Bogdanova, J Bentley, ...
Int J Environ Res Public Health 18, 6178, 2021
Preliminary findings concerning the use of prazosin for the treatment of posttraumatic nightmares in a refugee population
L Boynton, J Bentley, E Strachan, A Barbato, M Raskind
Journal of Psychiatric PracticeŽ 15 (6), 454-459, 2009
Post-migration stress as a moderator between traumatic exposure and self-reported mental health symptoms in a sample of Somali refugees
JA Bentley, JW Thoburn, DG Stewart, LD Boynton
Journal of Loss and Trauma 17 (5), 452-469, 2012
Health risks and consequences of a COVID-19 infection for people with disabilities: scoping review and descriptive thematic analysis
S Kamalakannan, S Bhattacharjya, Y Bogdanova, C Papadimitriou, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (8), 4348, 2021
COVID-19: Understanding and mitigating trauma in ICU survivors.
JL Tingey, JA Bentley, MM Hosey
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12 (S1), S100, 2020
Islamic trauma healing: Integrating faith and empirically supported principles in a community-based program
JA Bentley, NC Feeny, ML Dolezal, A Klein, LH Marks, B Graham, ...
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 28 (2), 167-192, 2021
The indirect effect of somatic complaints on report of posttraumatic psychological symptomatology among Somali refugees
JA Bentley, JW Thoburn, DG Stewart, LD Boynton
Journal of traumatic stress 24 (4), 479-482, 2011
Islamic trauma healing: Initial feasibility and pilot data
L Zoellner, B Graham, E Marks, N Feeny, J Bentley, A Franklin, D Lang
Societies 8 (3), 47, 2018
Religiosity and posttraumatic stress in a sample of East African refugees
J Bentley, Z Ahmad, J Thoburn
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 17 (2), 185-195, 2014
Local to global: Somali perspectives on faith, community, and resilience in response to COVID-19.
JA Bentley, F Mohamed, N Feeny, LB Ahmed, K Musa, AM Tubeec, ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12 (S1), S261, 2020
Prevalence and factors associated with utilization of rehabilitation services among people with physical disabilities in Kampala, Uganda. A descriptive cross sectional study
S Zziwa, H Babikako, D Kwesiga, O Kobusingye, JA Bentley, F Oporia, ...
BMC public health 19, 1-11, 2019
People with disabilities and other forms of vulnerability to the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol for a scoping review and thematic analysis
TS Jesus, S Kamalakannan, S Bhattacharjya, Y Bogdanova, ...
Archives of rehabilitation research and clinical translation 2 (4), 100079, 2020
A new screening instrument for disability in low-income and middle-income settings: application at the Iganga-Mayuge Demographic Surveillance System (IM-DSS), Uganda
AM Bachani, E Galiwango, D Kadobera, JA Bentley, D Bishai, S Wegener, ...
BMJ open 4 (12), e005795, 2014
PREparedness, REsponse and SySTemic transformation (PRE-RE-SyST): a model for disability-inclusive pandemic responses and systemic disparities reduction derived from a scoping …
TS Jesus, S Kamalakannan, S Bhattacharjya, Y Bogdanova, ...
International journal for equity in health 20, 1-17, 2021
Introducing spirituality, religion and culture curricula in the psychiatry residency programme
L Kozak, L Boynton, J Bentley, E Bezy
Medical Humanities 36 (1), 48-51, 2010
The role of stigma and state in the mental health of Somalis
L Boynton, J Bentley, JC Jackson, TA Gibbs
Journal of Psychiatric PracticeŽ 16 (4), 265-268, 2010
Somali Refugee Mental Health Cultural Profile
JA Bentley, CW Owens
The physical postures of yoga practices may protect against depressive symptoms, even as life stressors increase: A moderation analysis
RA Franklin, MP Butler, JA Bentley
Psychology, Health & Medicine 23 (7), 870-879, 2018
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Articles 1–20