Vladimir Mezentsev
Vladimir Mezentsev
Researcher, Prokhorov General Physics Institute
Nema potvrđene e-adrese
Investigation of ultrafast laser--photonic material interactions: challenges for directly written glass photonics
M Ams, GD Marshall, P Dekker, M Dubov, VK Mezentsev, I Bennion, ...
IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 14 (5), 1370-1381, 2008
Line-by-line fiber Bragg grating made by femtosecond laser
K Zhou, M Dubov, C Mou, L Zhang, VK Mezentsev, I Bennion
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (16), 1190-1192, 2010
Low loss depressed cladding waveguide inscribed in YAG: Nd single crystal by femtosecond laser pulses
A Okhrimchuk, V Mezentsev, A Shestakov, I Bennion
Optics express 20 (4), 3832-3843, 2012
270-km ultralong Raman fiber laser
SK Turitsyn, JD Ania-Castañón, SA Babin, V Karalekas, P Harper, ...
Physical review letters 103 (13), 133901, 2009
Self-guiding light in layered nonlinear media
L Bergé, VK Mezentsev, JJ Rasmussen, PL Christiansen, YB Gaididei
Optics letters 25 (14), 1037-1039, 2000
Physics and mathematics of dispersion-managed optical solitons
SK Turitsyn, EG Shapiro, SB Medvedev, MP Fedoruk, VK Mezentsev
Comptes Rendus Physique 4 (1), 145-161, 2003
Sensitivity of LPGs in PCFs fabricated by an electric arc to temperature, strain, and external refractive index
JS Petrovic, H Dobb, VK Mezentsev, K Kalli, DJ Webb, I Bennion
Journal of Lightwave technology 25 (5), 1306-1312, 2007
Variational approach to optical pulse propagation in dispersion compensated transmission systems
SK Turitsyn, I Gabitov, EW Laedke, VK Mezentsev, SL Musher, ...
Optics communications 151 (1-3), 117-135, 1998
Bound dipole solitary solutions in anisotropic nonlocal self-focusing media
AV Mamaev, AA Zozulya, VK Mezentsev, DZ Anderson, M Saffman
Physical Review A 56 (2), R1110, 1997
Turbulent broadening of optical spectra in ultralong Raman fiber lasers
SA Babin, V Karalekas, EV Podivilov, VK Mezentsev, P Harper, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 033803, 2008
Bending and orientational characteristics of long period gratings written in D-shaped optical fiber [directional bend sensors]
T Allsop, A Gillooly, V Mezentsev, T Earthgrowl-Gould, R Neal, DJ Webb, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 53 (1), 130-135, 2004
Path-averaged chirped optical soliton in dispersion-managed fiber communication lines
SK Turitsyn, T Schäfer, KH Spatschek, VK Mezentsev
Optics Communications 163 (1-3), 122-158, 1999
Dispersion-managed solitons and optimization of the dispersion management
SK Turitsyn, VK Mezentsev, EG Shapiro
Optical Fiber Technology 4 (4), 384-452, 1998
Self-focusing and solitonlike structures in materials with competing quadratic and cubic nonlinearities
L Bergé, O Bang, JJ Rasmussen, VK Mezentsev
Physical Review E 55 (3), 3555, 1997
Formation of stable solitons in quadratic nonlinear media
L Bergé, VK Mezentsev, JJ Rasmussen, J Wyller
Physical Review A 52 (1), R28, 1995
Optical turbulence and spectral condensate in long-fiber lasers
EG Turitsyna, G Falkovich, VK Mezentsev, SK Turitsyn
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (3), 031804, 2009
Nonlinear solitary waves with Gaussian tails
M Kunze, T Küpper, VK Mezentsev, EG Shapiro, S Turitsyn
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 128 (2-4), 273-295, 1999
Self-similar core and oscillatory tails of a path-averaged chirped dispersion-managed optical pulse
SK Turitsyn, T Schäfer, VK Mezentsev
Optics letters 23 (17), 1351-1353, 1998
Analytic criterion for soliton instability in a nonlinear fiber array
EW Laedke, KH Spatschek, SK Turitsyn, VK Mezentsev
Physical Review E 52 (5), 5549, 1995
Dynamics of self-similar dispersion-managed soliton presented in the basis of chirped Gauss-Hermite functions
SK Turitsyn, VK Mezentsev
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 67, 640-646, 1998
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