Nathaniel Phillips
Nathaniel Phillips
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yarrr: A companion to the e-Book "YaRrr! The Pirate's Guide to R"
N Phillips
R package version 0.1.6, 2017
The deliberation-without-attention effect: Evidence for an artifactual interpretation
GD Lassiter, MJ Lindberg, C González-Vallejo, FS Bellezza, ND Phillips
Psychological Science 20 (6), 671-675, 2009
FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees
ND Phillips, H Neth, JK Woike, W Gaissmaier
Judgment and Decision Making, 2017
Predicting soccer matches: A reassessment of the benefit of unconscious thinking
C González-Vallejo, N Phillips
Judgment and Decision Making 5 (3), 200-206, 2010
Rivals in the dark: How competition influences search in decisions under uncertainty
ND Phillips, R Hertwig, Y Kareev, J Avrahami
Cognition 133 (1), 104-119, 2014
Early Positive Information Impacts Final Evaluations: No Deliberation‐Without‐Attention Effect and a Test of a Dynamic Judgment Model
C González Vallejo, J Cheng, N Phillips, J Chimeli, F Bellezza, J Harman, ...
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 27 (3), 209-225, 2014
The Janus face of Darwinian competition
A Hintze, N Phillips, R Hertwig
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 13662, 2015
Yarrr: A companion to the e-book “yarrr!: The pirate’s guide to r”(R package version 0.1. 5)[Computer software]
N Phillips
Yarrr: A Companion to the e-Book
N Phillips
book “YaRrr, 22-23, 2017
To act fast or to bide time? Adaptive exploration under competitive pressure
D Markant, ND Phillips, Y Kareev, J Avrahami, R Hertwig
FFTrees: An R package to create and profit from fast and frugal decision trees, Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM), Haifa, Israel, 2017
N Phillips, H Neth, JK Woike, W Gaissmaier
FFT: An R package to create, visualize, and apply fast and frugal decision trees, Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, USA, 2016
N Phillips, H Neth, W Gaissmaier, J Woike
Modeling the Joint Effects of Experiences and Descriptions on Impressions and Choices
ND Phillips
Ohio University, 2010
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Articles 1–13