Merja Sallinen
Merja Sallinen
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
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Finally heard, believed and accepted–Peer support in the narratives of women with fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, ML Kukkurainen, L Peltokallio
Patient education and counseling 85 (2), e126-e130, 2011
Women's narratives on experiences of work ability and functioning in fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, ML Kukkurainen, L Peltokallio, M Mikkelsson
Musculoskeletal Care 8 (1), 18-26, 2010
“I just want my life back!”-Men’s narratives about living with fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, AM Mengshoel
Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (4), 422-429, 2019
Opportunities and challenges related to ICT and ICT-AT use by people with disabilities: An explorative study into factors that impact on the digital divide
K Mavrou, M Meletiou-Mavrotheris, A Kärki, M Sallinen, EJ Hoogerwerf
Technology and Disability 29 (1-2), 63-75, 2017
Fatigue, worry, and fear—Life events in the narratives of women with fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, ML Kukkurainen, L Peltokallio, M Mikkelsson, UM Anderberg
Health Care for Women International 33 (5), 473-494, 2012
“I'm tired of being tired”–Fatigue as experienced by women with fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, ML Kukkurainen, L Peltokallio, M Mikkelsson
Advances in physiotherapy 13 (1), 11-17, 2011
Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment
M Sallinen, O Hentonen, A Kärki
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 10 (1), 27-31, 2015
Working with patients suffering from chronic diseases can be a balancing act for health care professionals-a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
H Holmen, MH Larsen, MH Sallinen, L Thoresen, B Ahlsen, MH Andersen, ...
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-16, 2020
“I can’t have it; I am a man. A young man!”–men, fibromyalgia and masculinity in a Nordic context
M Sallinen, AM Mengshoel, KN Solbrække
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 14 (1 …, 2019
Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments
M Sallinen, O Hentonen, S Teeri
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 34 (1), 199-205, 2020
Memory gaps, lost words and crucial mistakes–Men’s experiences of cognitive difficulties in fibromyalgia
M Sallinen, A Marit Mengshoel
Chronic Illness 17 (1), 41-52, 2021
‘It takes time, but recovering makes it worthwhile’-A qualitative study of long-term users’ experiences of physiotherapy in primary health care
AM Mengshoel, WS Bjorbækmo, M Sallinen, AK Wahl
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2021
Women's narratives on fibromyalgia, functioning and life events
M Sallinen
Studies in sport, physical education and health, 2012
Enabling personal recovery from fibromyalgia–theoretical rationale, content and meaning of a person-centred, recovery-oriented programme
AM Mengshoel, Å Skarbø, E Hasselknippe, T Petterson, NL Brandsar, ...
BMC Health Services Research 21, 1-13, 2021
Kuntoutusalan koulutuksen uudistaminen ammattikorkeakouluissa: Dialogityöskentelyn tulokset
T Harra, J Holvikivi, U Hyrkkänen, M Immonen, A Kiviaho-Tiippana, ...
Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, 2016
Kohti yhteisiä tavoitteita: GAS-koulutuksen arviointihankkeen loppuraportti
M Sallinen, E Bärlund, M Koivuniemi, T Heinonen
Kela, 2015
Ethicted-Evaluation Process Model to Improve Personalised ICT Services for Independent Living and Active Ageing; Future Scenario Model
A Kärki, J Sävel, M Sallinen, J Kuusinen
The International Conference on Health Informatics: ICHI 2013, Vilamoura …, 2014
Educational standards: Describing Minimal Requirements of mental health Courses in physiotherapy education
M Probst, E Brunner, J Connaughton, M Sallinen, L Skjaerven
International Organization of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Education …, 2020
‘I've Been Walking on Eggshells All My Life’: Fibromyalgia Patients' Narratives About Experienced Violence and Abuse
M Sallinen, ML Kukkurainen
Musculoskeletal care 13 (3), 160-168, 2015
Bringing qualitative research into rehabilitation-a worked example of developing a rehabilitation program for patients with fibromyalgia: Enhancing healthcare and …
AM Mengshoel, MH Sallinen
Enhancing healthcare and rehabilitation The impact of qualitative research …, 2019
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Articles 1–20