Liang He
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Cited by
Dynamical properties of dipolar Fermi gases
T Sogo, L He, T Miyakawa, S Yi, H Lu, H Pu
New Journal of Physics 11, 055017, 2009
Lattice-supersolid phase of strongly correlated bosons in an optical cavity
Y Li, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 87, 051604, 2013
Scaling properties of one-dimensional driven-dissipative condensates
L He, LM Sieberer, E Altman, S Diehl
Physical Review B 92 (15), 155307, 2015
Supersolid phase of cold fermionic polar molecules in two-dimensional optical lattices
L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 83, 053629, 2011
Tunable anisotropic magnetism in trapped two-component Bose gases
Y Li, MR Bakhtiari, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review B 84, 144411, 2011
Control of photon propagation via electromagnetically induced transparency in lossless media
L He, Y Liu, S Yi, C Sun, F Nori
Physical Review A 75, 063818, 2007
Space-time vortex driven crossover and vortex turbulence phase transition in one-dimensional driven open condensates
L He, LM Sieberer, S Diehl
Physical Review Letters 118 (8), 085301, 2017
Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice
Y Li, MR Bakhtiari, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 85, 023624, 2012
Quantum phases of Bose-Bose mixtures on a triangular lattice
L He, Y Li, E Altman, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 86, 043620, 2012
Bose-Bose mixtures with synthetic spin-orbit coupling in optical lattices
L He, A Ji, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 92, 023630, 2015
Stability and free expansion of a dipolar Fermi gas
L He, J Zhang, S Yi
Physical Review A 77, 031605, 2008
Magnetic phase transitions of spin-1 ultracold bosons in a cubic optical lattice
Y Li, L He, W Hofstetter
Physical Review A 93, 033622, 2016
Dynamical properties of a trapped dipolar Fermi gas at finite temperature
JN Zhang, RZ Qiu, L He, S Yi
Physical Review A 83, 053628, 2011
Anisotropic pair superfluidity of trapped two-component Bose gases in an optical lattice
Y Li, L He, W Hofstetter
New Journal of Physics 15, 093028, 2013
Emergent Mott insulators and non-Hermitian conservation laws in an interacting bosonic chain with noninteger filling and nonreciprocal hopping
Z Wang, LJ Lang, L He
Physical Review B 105 (5), 054315, 2022
Magnetic properties of a spin-3 Chromium condensate
L He, S Yi
Physical Review A 80, 033618, 2009
Crystallizing kagome artificial spin ice
WC Yue, Z Yuan, YY Lyu, S Dong, J Zhou, ZL Xiao, L He, X Tu, Y Dong, ...
Physical Review Letters 129 (5), 057202, 2022
Creating vortices in dipolar spinor condensates via rapid adiabatic passage
JN Zhang, L He, H Pu, CP Sun, S Yi
Physical Review A 79, 033615, 2009
Learning phase transitions from regression uncertainty: a new regression-based machine learning approach for automated detection of phases of matter
W Guo, L He
New Journal of Physics 25 (8), 083037, 2023
Observation of topological Euler insulators with a trapped-ion quantum simulator
WD Zhao, YB Yang, Y Jiang, ZC Mao, WX Guo, LY Qiu, GX Wang, L Yao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09234, 2022
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Articles 1–20