Igor Dejanović
Igor Dejanović
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Dividing wall column—A breakthrough towards sustainable distilling
I Dejanović, L Matijašević, Ž Olujić
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 49 (6), 559-580, 2010
Designing four-product dividing wall columns for separation of a multicomponent aromatics mixture
I Dejanović, L Matijašević, IJ Halvorsen, S Skogestad, H Jansen, B Kaibel, ...
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 89 (8), 1155-1167, 2011
Benign by design: green and scalable synthesis of zirconium UiO-metal–organic frameworks by water-assisted mechanochemistry
B Karadeniz, AJ Howarth, T Stolar, T Islamoglu, I Dejanovic, M Tireli, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (11), 15841-15849, 2018
Designing a packed dividing wall column for an aromatics processing plant
I Dejanovic, L Matijašević, H Jansen, Z Olujic
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (9), 5680-5692, 2011
Hydraulic design, technical challenges and comparison of alternative configurations of a four-product dividing wall column
I Dejanović, IJ Halvorsen, S Skogestad, H Jansen, Ž Olujić
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 84, 71-81, 2014
Internal configurations for a multi-product dividing wall column
IJ Halvorsen, I Dejanović, S Skogestad, Ž Olujić
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 91 (10), 1954-1965, 2013
Control of pharmaceutical cocrystal polymorphism on various scales by mechanochemistry: transfer from the laboratory batch to the large-scale extrusion processing
T Stolar, S Lukin, M Tireli, I Sović, B Karadeniz, I Kereković, G Matijašić, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (7), 7102-7110, 2019
An effective method for establishing the stage and reflux requirement of three-product dividing wall columns
I Dejanović, L Matijašević, Ž Olujić
Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 25 (2), 147-157, 2011
Dimensioning multipartition dividing wall columns
Ž Olujić, I Dejanović, B Kaibel, H Jansen
Chemical engineering & technology 35 (8), 1392-1404, 2012
A water network optimization using MATLAB—A case study
L Matijašević, I Dejanović, D Spoja
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (12), 1362-1367, 2010
Scale-up of agrochemical urea-gypsum cocrystal synthesis using thermally controlled mechanochemistry
I Brekalo, V Martinez, B Karadeniz, P Orešković, D Drapanauskaite, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 (20), 6743-6754, 2022
Treatment of wastewater generated by urea production
L Matijašević, I Dejanović, H Lisac
Resources, conservation and recycling 54 (3), 149-154, 2010
On controllability of a fully thermally coupled four-product dividing wall column
G Lukač, IJ Halvorsen, Ž Olujić, I Dejanović
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 367-377, 2019
Dividing‐Wall Column for Fractionation of Natural Gas Liquids in Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Plants
IJ Halvorsen, I Dejanović, KA Maråk, Ž Olujić, S Skogestad
Chemical engineering & technology 39 (12), 2348-2354, 2016
Multi-product dividing wall columns: a simple and effective assessment and conceptual design procedure
IJ Halvorsen, S Skogestad, I Dejanovic, L Matijasevic, Z Olujic
AIDIC Servizi, 2011
Dividing wall column as energy saving retrofit technology
H Jansen, I Dejanović, T Rietfort, Ž Olujić
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 88 (1‐2), 200-207, 2016
Dividing wall column application for platformate splitter-A case study
I Dejanoviü, L Matijaševiü, Ž Olujiü
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 28, 655-660, 2010
Modeling a reaction section of a commercial continuous catalytic reformer
S Polovina, M Vojtech, I Dejanovic, A Grujic, M Stijepović
Energy & fuels 32 (5), 6378-6396, 2018
New Horizons For Dividing Wall Columns.
H Jansen, I Dejanović, B Kaibel, Ž Olujić
Chemical engineering 121 (8), 2014
Investigation of control structures for a four‐product laboratory multiple dividing‐wall column using dynamic simulation
U Preißinger, G Lukač, I Dejanović, T Grützner
Chemical engineering & technology 44 (2), 223-237, 2021
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