Xiaojun Qiu
Cited by
Cited by
Active control of noise and vibration
H Colin, S Snyder, X Qiu, L Brooks, D Moreau
CRC Press, 2013
Active noise attenuation in ventilation windows
H Huang, X Qiu, J Kang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130 (1), 176-188, 2011
An active impulsive noise control algorithm with logarithmic transformation
L Wu, H He, X Qiu
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 19 (4), 1041-1044, 2010
何琳, 朱海潮, 邱小军, 杜功焕
北京: 科学出版社 5, 234-236, 2006
Sound absorption of a finite micro-perforated panel backed by a shunted loudspeaker
J Tao, R Jing, X Qiu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (1), 231-238, 2014
A generalized leaky FxLMS algorithm for tuning the waterbed effect of feedback active noise control systems
L Wu, X Qiu, Y Guo
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 106, 13-23, 2018
A simplified adaptive feedback active noise control system
L Wu, X Qiu, Y Guo
Applied Acoustics 81, 40-46, 2014
A waveform synthesis algorithm for active control of transformer noise: implementation
X Qiu, X Li, Y Ai, CH Hansen
Applied Acoustics 63 (5), 467-479, 2002
A study of time-domain FXLMS algorithms with control output constraint
X Qiu, CH Hansen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (6), 2815-2823, 2001
Causality study on a feedforward active noise control headset with different noise coming directions in free field
L Zhang, X Qiu
Applied Acoustics 80, 36-44, 2014
An improved active noise control algorithm without secondary path identification based on the frequency-domain subband architecture
M Wu, G Chen, X Qiu
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 16 (8), 1409-1419, 2008
Delivering sound energy along an arbitrary convex trajectory
S Zhao, Y Hu, J Lu, X Qiu, J Cheng, I Burnett
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 6628, 2014
An algorithm for active control of transformer noise with on-line cancellation path modelling based on the perturbation method
Journal of Sound and Vibration 240 (4), 647-665, 2001
A note on the prediction method of reverberation absorption coefficient of double layer micro-perforated membrane
J Zou, Y Shen, J Yang, X Qiu
Applied Acoustics 67 (2), 106-111, 2006
Active control of transformer noise with an internally synthesized reference signal
L Zhang, J Tao, X Qiu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 331 (15), 3466-3475, 2012
Analysis of heartbeat asymmetry based on multi-scale time irreversibility test
F Hou, J Zhuang, C Bian, T Tong, Y Chen, J Yin, X Qiu, X Ning
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (4), 754-760, 2010
Tunable and broadband asymmetric sound absorptions with coupling of acoustic bright and dark modes
H Long, C Liu, C Shao, Y Cheng, J Tao, X Qiu, X Liu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 479, 115371, 2020
An intuitive approach for feedback active noise controller design
L Zhang, L Wu, X Qiu
Applied Acoustics 74 (1), 160-168, 2013
A comparison of near-field acoustic error sensing strategies for the active control of harmonic free field sound radiation
X Qiu, CH Hansen, X Li
Journal of Sound and Vibration 215 (1), 81-103, 1998
Performance of a planar virtual sound barrier at the baffled opening of a rectangular cavity
S Wang, J Tao, X Qiu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (5), 2836-2847, 2015
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Articles 1–20