Federico Stella
Cited by
Cited by
Meshudf: Fast and differentiable meshing of unsigned distance field networks
B Guillard, F Stella, P Fua
European Conference on Computer Vision, 576-592, 2022
Learning to orient surfaces by self-supervised spherical cnns
R Spezialetti, F Stella, M Marcon, L Silva, S Salti, L Di Stefano
Advances in Neural information processing systems 33, 5381-5392, 2020
Neural Surface Detection for Unsigned Distance Fields
F Stella, N Talabot, H Le, P Fua
European Conference on Computer Vision, 394-409, 2025
Gradient Distance Function
H Le, F Stella, B Guillard, P Fua
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.22422, 2024
Learning to Orient Surfaces by Self-supervised Spherical CNNs (Supplementary Material)
R Spezialetti, F Stella, M Marcon, L Silva, S Salti, L Di Stefano
Learning a Local Reference Frame for Point Clouds using Spherical CNNs
F Stella, L Di Stefano, S Salti, DR Spezialetti, DM Marcon
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Articles 1–6