Dirk Libaers
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Cited by
Examining the relationship between creativity and innovation: A meta-analysis of organizational, cultural, and environmental factors
H Sarooghi, D Libaers, A Burkemper
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (5), 714-731, 2015
On The Origin and Emergence of Entrepreneurship as a Research Field
M Meyer, B Thijs, D Libaers, W Glanzel, K Grant, K Debackere
Scientometrics 98 (1), 473-485, 2014
CEO Cognitive Flexibility, Information search, and Organizational Ambidexterity
A Kiss, D Libaers, P Barr, T Wang, M Zachary
Strategic Management Journal 41 (12), 2200-2233, 2020
Institutionalization of university research centers: the case of the National Cooperative Program in Infertility Research
J Youtie, D Libaers, B Bozeman
Technovation 26 (9), 1055-1063, 2006
The role of university spinout companies in an emerging technology: The case of nanotechnology
D Libaers, M Meyer, A Geuna
Journal of Technology Transfer 31 (4), 443-450, 2006
A taxonomy of small firm technology commercialization
D Libaers, D Hicks, AL Porter
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (3), 271-405, 2016
First product success: a mediated moderating model of resources, founding team startup experience, and product‐positioning strategy
YL Zhao, D Libaers, M Song
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (3), 441-458, 2015
Highly innovative small technology firms, industrial clusters and firm internationalization
D Libaers, M Meyer
Research Policy 40 (10), 1426-1437, 2011
Foreign‐born academic scientists: entrepreneurial academics or academic entrepreneurs?
D Libaers, T Wang
R&D Management 42 (3), 254-272, 2012
Does product platforming pay off?
M Meyer, O Osiyevskyy, D Libaers, M Van Hugten
Journal of Product Innovation Management 35 (1), 66-87, 2018
Opening the Black Box of Upper Echelons in China: TMT social attributes and Strategic Flexibility.
T Wang, D Libaers, H Jiao
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (5), 685-703, 2015
The Paradox of Openness: How Product and Patenting Experience Affect R&D Sourcing in China?
T Wang, D Libaers, HD Park
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (3), 250-268, 2017
The relationship between human capital, new venture ideas and opportunity beliefs: A meta-analysis
S Canavati, D Libaers, T Wang, S Hooshangi, H Sarooghi
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 15 (3), 454-477, 2021
Foreign-born academic scientists and their interactions with industry: Implications for university technology commercialization and corporate innovation management
D Libaers
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (2), 346-360, 2014
University Patenting and Technology Commercialization – Legal Frameworks and the Importance of Local Practice
D Weckowska, J Mordi-Gallas, P Tang, D Twigg, E Castro-Martinez, ...
R&D Management 48 (1), 88-108, 2018
Role and contribution of foreign-born scientists and engineers to the public US nanoscience and technology research enterprise
DP Libaers
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 54 (3), 423-432, 2007
Non-Imitative Knowledge and Innovation Performance: Empirical Evidence from New Ventures in Developing Countries
T Wang, D Libaers
Journal of Product Innovation Management 33 (5), 570-588, 2016
The Emergence of Novel Science-related Fields: Regional or Technological Patterns? Exploration and Exploitation in United Kingdom Nanotechnology
M Meyer, D Libaers, JH Park
Regional Studies 45 (7), 935-959, 2011
Time Allocation Decisions of Academic Scientists and Their Impact on Technology Commercialization
D Libaers
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 59 (4), 705-716, 2012
Mining the Internet for competitive technical intelligence
L Porter, DJ Schoeneck, PR Frey
Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 2007
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Articles 1–20