Denis Vasilyev
Denis Vasilyev
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Optimal metrology with programmable quantum sensors
CD Marciniak, T Feldker, I Pogorelov, R Kaubruegger, DV Vasilyev, ...
Nature 603 (7902), 604-609, 2022
Subradiant bell states in distant atomic arrays
PO Guimond, A Grankin, DV Vasilyev, B Vermersch, P Zoller
Physical review letters 122 (9), 093601, 2019
Quantum variational optimization of Ramsey interferometry and atomic clocks
R Kaubruegger, DV Vasilyev, M Schulte, K Hammerer, P Zoller
Physical review X 11 (4), 041045, 2021
Quantum memory for images: A quantum hologram
DV Vasilyev, IV Sokolov, ES Polzik
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (2), 020302, 2008
Free-space photonic quantum link and chiral quantum optics
A Grankin, PO Guimond, DV Vasilyev, B Vermersch, P Zoller
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043825, 2018
Theory of a quantum scanning microscope for cold atoms
D Yang, C Laflamme, DV Vasilyev, MA Baranov, P Zoller
Physical Review Letters 120 (13), 133601, 2018
Monitoring quantum simulators via quantum nondemolition couplings to atomic clock qubits
DV Vasilyev, A Grankin, MA Baranov, LM Sieberer, P Zoller
PRX Quantum 1 (2), 020302, 2020
Quantum non-demolition measurement of a many-body hamiltonian
D Yang, A Grankin, LM Sieberer, DV Vasilyev, P Zoller
Nature communications 11 (1), 775, 2020
Quantum volume hologram
DV Vasilyev, IV Sokolov, ES Polzik
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (2), 020302, 2010
Time-continuous bell measurements
SG Hofer, DV Vasilyev, M Aspelmeyer, K Hammerer
Physical Review Letters 111 (17), 170404, 2013
Optimal and variational multiparameter quantum metrology and vector-field sensing
R Kaubruegger, A Shankar, DV Vasilyev, P Zoller
PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020333, 2023
Quantum noise for faraday light–matter interfaces
DV Vasilyev, K Hammerer, N Korolev, AS Sĝrensen
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (12), 124007, 2012
Unconditional steady-state entanglement in macroscopic hybrid systems by coherent noise cancellation
X Huang, E Zeuthen, DV Vasilyev, Q He, K Hammerer, ES Polzik
Physical Review Letters 121 (10), 103602, 2018
Scalable repeater architectures for multi-party states
VV Kuzmin, DV Vasilyev, N Sangouard, W Dür, CA Muschik
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 115, 2019
Adiabatic elimination of gaussian subsystems from quantum dynamics under continuous measurement
O Černotík, DV Vasilyev, K Hammerer
Physical Review A 92 (1), 012124, 2015
Thermal noise of folding mirrors
D Heinert, K Craig, H Grote, S Hild, H Lück, R Nawrodt, DA Simakov, ...
Physical Review D 90 (4), 042001, 2014
Dissipative versus conditional generation of Gaussian entanglement and spin squeezing
DV Vasilyev, CA Muschik, K Hammerer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053820, 2013
Quantum scanning microscope for cold atoms
D Yang, DV Vasilyev, C Laflamme, MA Baranov, P Zoller
Physical Review A 98 (2), 023852, 2018
Efficiency of quantum volume hologram
DV Vasilyev, IV Sokolov
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-8, 2012
Diagrammatic technique for simulation of large-scale quantum repeater networks with dissipating quantum memories
VV Kuzmin, DV Vasilyev
Physical Review A 103 (3), 032618, 2021
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Articles 1–20