Irina Elgort
Irina Elgort
Associate Professor, Higher Education, Applied Linguistics, Victoria University of Wellington
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Is wiki an effective platform for group course work?
I Elgort, AG Smith, J Toland
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 24 (2), 2008
Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language
I Elgort
Language learning 61 (2), 367-413, 2011
L2 vocabulary learning from reading: Explicit and tacit lexical knowledge and the role of learner and item variables
I Elgort, P Warren
Language Learning 64 (2), 365-414, 2014
Contextual word learning during reading in a second language: An eye-movement study
I Elgort, M Brysbaert, M Stevens, E Van Assche
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 40 (2), 341-366, 2018
Effects of L1 definitions and cognate status of test items on the Vocabulary Size Test
I Elgort
Language Testing 30 (2), 253-272, 2013
E-learning adoption: Bridging the chasm
I Elgort
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2005
A framework for conceptualising learning in applied linguistics
P Seedhouse
Conceptualising ‘learning’in applied linguistics, 240-256, 2010
The development of implicit and explicit knowledge of collocations: A conceptual replication and extension of Sonbul and Schmitt (2013)
M Toomer, I Elgort
Language Learning 69 (2), 405-439, 2019
Contextual learning of L2 word meanings: second language proficiency modulates behavioural and event-related brain potential (ERP) indicators of learning
I Elgort, CA Perfetti, B Rickles, JZ Stafura
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2014
Vocabulary learning in a second language: Familiar answers to new questions
I Elgort, P Nation
Conceptualising ‘learning’in applied linguistics, 89-104, 2010
Contextual word learning with form-focused and meaning-focused elaboration
I Elgort, S Candry, TJ Boutorwick, J Eyckmans, M Brysbaert
Applied Linguistics 39 (5), 646-667, 2018
Effects of spacing on contextual vocabulary learning: Spacing facilitates the acquisition of explicit, but not tacit, vocabulary knowledge
T Nakata, I Elgort
Second Language Research 37 (2), 233-260, 2021
Using wikis as a learning tool in higher education
I Elgort
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2007
Comprehensibility and prosody ratings for pronunciation software development
P Warren, I Elgort, D Crabbe
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2009
Technology-mediated second language vocabulary development: A review of trends in research methodology
I Elgort
CALICO Journal 35 (1), 2018
Vocabulary size research at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
P Nation, A Coxhead
Language Teaching 47 (3), 398-403, 2014
Two approaches to extensive reading and their effects on L2 vocabulary development
TJ Boutorwick, J Macalister, I Elgort
Reading in a Foreign Language, 2019
Exploring EFL teachers' English language proficiency: Lessons from Indonesia
AN Wulyani, I Elgort, A Coxhead
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2019
Incorrect inferences and contextual word learning in English as a second language
I Elgort
Journal of the European Second Language Association 1 (1), 2017
The role of intentional decontextualised learning in second language vocabulary acquisition: Evidence from primed lexical decision tasks with advanced bilinguals
I Elgort
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2007
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Articles 1–20