Irini Furxhi
Irini Furxhi
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
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Practices and trends of machine learning application in nanotoxicology
I Furxhi, F Murphy, M Mullins, A Arvanitis, CA Poland
Nanomaterials 10 (1), 116, 2020
Autonomous vehicles and avoiding the trolley (dilemma): vehicle perception, classification, and the challenges of framing decision ethics
M Cunneen, M Mullins, F Murphy, D Shannon, I Furxhi, C Ryan
Cybernetics and Systems 51 (1), 59-80, 2020
Machine learning prediction of nanoparticle in vitro toxicity: A comparative study of classifiers and ensemble-classifiers using the Copeland Index
I Furxhi, F Murphy, M Mullins, CA Poland
Toxicology letters 312, 157-166, 2019
Nanotoxicology data for in silico tools: a literature review
I Furxhi, F Murphy, M Mullins, A Arvanitis, CA Poland
Nanotoxicology 14 (5), 612-637, 2020
A Machine Learning Tool to Predict the Antibacterial Capacity of Nanoparticles
MM Mirzaei Mahsa, Furxhi Irini, Murphy Finbarr
Nanomaterials 11 (7), 1774, 2021
Predicting in vitro neurotoxicity induced by nanoparticles using machine learning
I Furxhi, F Murphy
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (15), 5280, 2020
Application of Bayesian networks in determining nanoparticle-induced cellular outcomes using transcriptomics
I Furxhi, F Murphy, CA Poland, B Sheehan, M Mullins, P Mantecca
Nanotoxicology 13 (6), 827-848, 2019
Reduction of health care-associated infections (HAIs) with antimicrobial inorganic nanoparticles incorporated in medical textiles: an economic assessment
F Murphy, A Tchetchik, I Furxhi
Nanomaterials 10 (5), 999, 2020
ASINA Project: Towards a Methodological Data-Driven Sustainable and Safe-by-Design Approach for the Development of Nanomaterials
I Furxhi, P Massimo, M Blosi, L de Ipińa, J Jesús, Oliveira, F Murphy, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, 2022
Hazard screening methods for nanomaterials: a comparative study
B Sheehan, F Murphy, M Mullins, I Furxhi, AL Costa, FC Simeone, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (3), 649, 2018
Status, implications and challenges of European safe and sustainable by design paradigms applicable to nanomaterials and advanced materials
I Furxhi, A Costa, S Vázquez-Campos, C Fito-López, ...
RSC Sustain., Advance Article, 2023
Health and environmental safety of nanomaterials: O Data, Where Art Thou?
I Furxhi
NanoImpact 25, 100378, 2022
Assessment of exposure determinants and exposure levels by using stationary concentration measurements and a probabilistic near-field/far-field exposure model.
I Koivisto, AJ Spinazzč, A Verdonck, F Borghi, F Löndahl, J Koponen, IK ...
Open Research Europe 1 (72), 2021
Prediction of the effective reproduction number of COVID-19 in Greece. A machine learning approach using Google mobility data
KK Arvanitis Athanasios, Furxhi Irini, Tasioulis Thomas
Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing 1 (1), 1-21, 2021
From principles to reality. FAIR implementation in the nanosafety community
VI Dumit, A Ammar, MI Bakker, MA Bańares, C Bossa, A Costa, H Cowie, ...
Nano Today 51, 101923, 2023
Data Shepherding in Nanotechnology. The Exposure Field Campaign Template.
Furxhi I., Koivisto AJ., Murphy F., Trabucco S., Secco BD., Arvanitis A.
Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1818, 2021
Data Shepherding in Nanotechnology. The Initiation
Furxhi I., Arvanitis A., Murphy F., Costa A., Blosi M.
Nanomaterials 11 (6), 1520, 2021
Surveillance and privacy – Beyond the panopticon. An exploration of 720-degree observation in level 3 and 4 vehicle automation
M Jannusch, Tim David-Spickermann, Florian Shannon, Darren Ressel, Juliane ...
Technology in Society 66, 101667, 2021
(Re) Conceptualizing decision-making tools in a risk governance framework for emerging technologies—the case of nanomaterials
M Mullins, M Himly, IR Llopis, I Furxhi, S Hofer, N Hofstätter, P Wick, ...
Environment Systems and Decisions 43 (1), 3-15, 2023
A supervised machine-learning prediction of textile’s antimicrobial capacity coated with nanomaterials
M Mirzaei, I Furxhi, F Murphy, M Mullins
Coatings 11 (12), 1532, 2021
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Articles 1–20