Roger T. Hanlon
Roger T. Hanlon
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Cephalopod behaviour
RT Hanlon, JB Messenger
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Cephalopod dynamic camouflage
R Hanlon
Current biology 17 (11), R400-R404, 2007
Adaptive coloration in young cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.): the morphology and development of body patterns and their relation to behaviour
RT Hanlon, JB Messenger
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological …, 1988
Mechanisms and behavioural functions of structural coloration in cephalopods
LM Mäthger, EJ Denton, NJ Marshall, RT Hanlon
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6 (suppl_2), S149-S163, 2009
Continuum robot arms inspired by cephalopods
ID Walker, DM Dawson, T Flash, FW Grasso, RT Hanlon, B Hochner, ...
Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology VII 5804, 303-314, 2005
A review of the laboratory maintenance, rearing and culture of cephalopod molluscs
SV Boletzky, RT Hanlon
Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 44, 147-187, 1983
Stretchable surfaces with programmable 3D texture morphing for synthetic camouflaging skins
JH Pikul, S Li, H Bai, RT Hanlon, I Cohen, RF Shepherd
Science 358 (6360), 210-214, 2017
Adaptive optoelectronic camouflage systems with designs inspired by cephalopod skins
C Yu, Y Li, X Zhang, X Huang, V Malyarchuk, S Wang, Y Shi, L Gao, Y Su, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (36), 12998-13003, 2014
Cephalopod dynamic camouflage: bridging the continuum between background matching and disruptive coloration
RT Hanlon, CC Chiao, LM Mäthger, A Barbosa, KC Buresch, C Chubb
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Growth, reproduction and life span of Sepia officinalis (Cephalopoda: Mollusca) cultured through seven consecutive generations
JW Forsythe, RH DeRusha, RT Hanlon
Journal of Zoology 233 (2), 175-192, 1994
Effect of temperature on laboratory growth, reproduction and life span of Octopus bimaculoides
JW Forsythe, RT Hanlon
Marine Biology 98, 369-379, 1988
Principal features of the mating system of a large spawning aggregation of the giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
K Hall, R Hanlon
Marine Biology 140, 533-545, 2002
Cuttlefish camouflage: the effects of substrate contrast and size in evoking uniform, mottle or disruptive body patterns
A Barbosa, LM Mäthger, KC Buresch, J Kelly, C Chubb, CC Chiao, ...
Vision research 48 (10), 1242-1253, 2008
Sound detection by the longfin squid (Loligo pealeii) studied with auditory evoked potentials: sensitivity to low-frequency particle motion and not pressure
TA Mooney, RT Hanlon, J Christensen-Dalsgaard, PT Madsen, DR Ketten, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (21), 3748-3759, 2010
Crypsis, conspicuousness, mimicry and polyphenism as antipredator defences of foraging octopuses on Indo-Pacific coral reefs, with a method of quantifying crypsis from video tapes
RT Hanlon, JW Forsythe, DE Joneschild
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 66 (1), 1-22, 1999
Cuttlefish use polarization sensitivity in predation on silvery fish
N Shashar, R Hagan, JG Boal, RT Hanlon
Vision research 40 (1), 71-75, 2000
Malleable skin coloration in cephalopods: selective reflectance, transmission and absorbance of light by chromatophores and iridophores
LM Mäthger, RT Hanlon
Cell and tissue research 329 (1), 179-186, 2007
Polarization vision helps detect transparent prey
N Shashar, RT Hanlon, AM Petz
Nature 393 (6682), 222-223, 1998
Nociceptive sensitization reduces predation risk
RJ Crook, K Dickson, RT Hanlon, ET Walters
Current Biology 24 (10), 1121-1125, 2014
Foraging and associated behavior by Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849 on a coral atoll, French Polynesia
JW Forsythe, RT Hanlon
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209 (1-2), 15-31, 1997
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