Enrica Strettoi
Enrica Strettoi
Director of Research, Istituto di Neuroscienze CNR, Pisa, ITALY
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
The major cell populations of the mouse retina
CJ Jeon, E Strettoi, RH Masland
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (21), 8936-8946, 1998
Neural remodeling in retinal degeneration
RE Marc, BW Jones, CB Watt, E Strettoi
Progress in retinal and eye research 22 (5), 607-655, 2003
Retinal organization in the retinal degeneration 10 (rd10) mutant mouse: a morphological and ERG study
C Gargini, E Terzibasi, F Mazzoni, E Strettoi
Journal of Comparative Neurology 500 (2), 222-238, 2007
Synaptic connections of the narrow‐field, bistratified rod amacrine cell (AII) in the rabbit retina
E Strettoi, E Raviola, RF Dacheux
Journal of Comparative Neurology 325 (2), 152-168, 1992
Morphological and functional abnormalities in the inner retina of the rd/rd mouse
E Strettoi, V Porciatti, B Falsini, V Pignatelli, C Rossi
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (13), 5492-5504, 2002
Modifications of retinal neurons in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa
E Strettoi, V Pignatelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (20), 11020-11025, 2000
Protection of retinal ganglion cells from natural and axotomy-induced cell death in neonatal transgenic mice overexpressing bcl-2
L Bonfanti, E Strettoi, S Chierzi, MC Cenni, XH Liu, JC Martinou, L Maffei, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 16 (13), 4186-4194, 1996
Retinal ganglion cells survive and maintain normal dendritic morphology in a mouse model of inherited photoreceptor degeneration
F Mazzoni, E Novelli, E Strettoi
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (52), 14282-14292, 2008
Synaptic connections of rod bipolar cells in the inner plexiform layer of the rabbit retina
E Strettoi, RF Dacheux, E Raviola
Journal of Comparative Neurology 295 (3), 449-466, 1990
Dicer inactivation leads to progressive functional and structural degeneration of the mouse retina
D Damiani, JJ Alexander, JR O'Rourke, M McManus, AP Jadhav, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (19), 4878-4887, 2008
Remodeling of second-order neurons in the retina of rd/rd mutant mice
E Strettoi, V Pignatelli, C Rossi, V Porciatti, B Falsini
Vision research 43 (8), 867-877, 2003
Transformation of cone precursors to functional rod photoreceptors by bZIP transcription factor NRL
ECT Oh, N Khan, E Novelli, H Khanna, E Strettoi, A Swaroop
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (5), 1679-1684, 2007
Long-term retinal function and structure rescue using capsid mutant AAV8 vector in the rd10 mouse, a model of recessive retinitis pigmentosa
J Pang, X Dai, SE Boye, I Barone, SL Boye, S Mao, D Everhart, ...
Molecular therapy 19 (2), 234-242, 2011
Long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve section in adult bcl-2 transgenic mice.
MC Cenni, L Bonfanti, JC Martinou, GM Ratto, E Strettoi, L Maffei
The European journal of neuroscience 8 (8), 1735-1745, 1996
Optic nerve crush: axonal responses in wild-type and bcl-2 transgenic mice
S Chierzi, E Strettoi, MC Cenni, L Maffei
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (19), 8367-8376, 1999
Remodeling of cone photoreceptor cells after rod degeneration in rd mice
B Lin, RH Masland, E Strettoi
Experimental eye research 88 (3), 589-599, 2009
Melatonin modulates visual function and cell viability in the mouse retina via the MT1 melatonin receptor
K Baba, N Pozdeyev, F Mazzoni, S Contreras-Alcantara, C Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (35), 15043-15048, 2009
Inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis preserves photoreceptor structure and function in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa
E Strettoi, C Gargini, E Novelli, G Sala, I Piano, P Gasco, R Ghidoni
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (43), 18706-18711, 2010
Cone bipolar cells as interneurons in the rod, pathway of the rabbit retina
E Strettoi, RF Dacheux, E Raviola
Journal of Comparative Neurology 347 (1), 139-149, 1994
The number of unidentified amacrine cells in the mammalian retina
E Strettoi, RH Masland
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (25), 14906-14911, 1996
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