Igor Jugo, PhD
Igor Jugo, PhD
Intellego j.d.o.o.
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Increasing the adaptivity of an intelligent tutoring system with educational data mining: a system overview
I Jugo, B Kovačić, V Slavuj
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online) 11 (3), 67, 2016
Intelligent tutoring systems for language learning
V Slavuj, B Kovačić, I Jugo
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2015
Using data mining for learning path recommendation and visualization in an intelligent tutoring system
I Jugo, B Kovačić, V Slavuj
2014 37th international convention on Information and communication …, 2014
Cluster analysis of student activity in a web-based intelligent tutoring system
I Jugo, B Kovačić, E Tijan
Pomorstvo 29 (1), 75-83, 2015
Selecting a business intelligence solution that is fit for business requirements
M Pribisalić, I Jugo, S Martinčić-Ipšić
Analysis and Evaluation of Web Application Performance Enhancement Techniques
I Jugo, D Kermek, A Meštrović
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8541, 40-56, 2014
Integrating a Web-based ITS with DM tools for Providing Learning Path Optimization and Visual Analytics
I Jugo, B Kovačić, V Slavuj
8th International Conference on Educational data mining, 574-575, 2015
Applying a Distance Learning System Based on Dialogue in e-commerce
B Kovačić, I Jugo
32nd international conference on information and communication technology …, 2009
Intelligent tutoring systems for language learning. In 2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO …
V Slavuj, B Kovačić, I Jugo
IEEE, 2015
A proposal for a web based educational data mining and visualization system
I Jugo, B Kovačić, V Slavuj
ITIS2013: International Conference on Information Technologies and …, 2013
Improvement of system for distance learning based on dialogue by appliance of statistical analysis
B Kovacic, I Jugo, V Slavuj
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 1475-1478, 2012
Decreasing information technology expenses by using emulators on Windows and Linux platforms
A Skendzic, B Kovacic, I Jugo
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 1387-1390, 2011
Analysis of clustering algorithms for group discovery in a web-based intelligent tutoring system
D Bunić, I Jugo, B Kovačić
2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2019
Assessing user satisfaction with a system for e-learning based on dialogue
V Slavuj, B Kovacic, I Jugo
La mediation numerique: renouvellement et diversification des pratiques, 221-235, 2013
Adaptive Ε-learning system for language learning: Architecture overview
V Slavuj, B Kovačić, I Jugo
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Adaptive e-learning system for language learning: architecture overview
V Slavuj, B Kovačić, I Jugo
MIPRO 2016, 1056-1060, 2016
Developing dynamic Web applications:“Exam scheduler”
S Maržić, I Jugo, M Radovan
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 1127-1132, 2011
Online CASE Tool for Development of Web Applications
I Jugo
Proceedings of the 19th Central European Conference on Information and …, 2008
On Data Gathering and Surveillance
M Radovan, I Jugo
Information and Intelligent Systems, 435-440, 2006
User evaluation of an adaptive language learning system prototype
V Slavuj, B Kovačić, I Jugo
2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2019
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