Ivana Tomas Žiković
Ivana Tomas Žiković
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics University of Rijeka
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Profitability determinants of hotel companies in selected Mediterranean countries
M Dimitrić, I Tomas Žiković, A Arbula Blecich
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 32 (1), 1977-1993, 2019
Food inflation and geopolitical risks: analyzing European regions amid the Russia-Ukraine war
K Sohag, MM Islam, I Tomas Žiković, H Mansour
British Food Journal 125 (7), 2368-2391, 2023
Size matters: analyzing bank profitability and efficiency under the Basel III framework
I Gržeta, S Žiković, I Tomas Žiković
Financial innovation 9 (1), 43, 2023
Modelling the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Aggregate Corporate Insolvency: Case of Croatia
I Tomas Žiković
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 515-528, 2016
Challenges in predicting financial distress in emerging economies: The case of Croatia
I Tomas Žiković
Eastern European Economics 56 (1), 1-27, 2018
The Drivers Behind Household and Corporate Non-performing Loans Ratio: The Case of Croatia.
IT Žiković, S Žiković, AA Blecich
Economic Trends & Economic Policy 24 (137), 2015
A VECM approach to detangling growth, exports, imports and FDI knot in selected CEE countries
S Žiković, IT Žiković, M Grdinić
Croatian operational research review, 161-175, 2014
Evaluating the performance of VaR models in energy markets
S Žiković, R Weron, IT Žiković
Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, 479-487, 2015
A disaggregated approach to energy-growth nexus: Micro-regional view
S Žiković, IT Žiković, NV Lenz
Energy strategy reviews 28, 100467, 2020
Odrednice profitabilnosti hotelskih poduzeća-usporedna analiza Primorsko-goranske županije i Republike Hrvatske
M Dimitrić, I Tomas Žiković, V Matejčić
Pitanja pravnog transplantiranja stečajnog zakonodavstva: kolizija pravne tradicije i ekonomskih čimbenika
I Tomas Žiković, D Bodul, N Tomas
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci 35 (2), 555-595, 2014
Novosti i problemi u provedbi stečajnog zakonodavstva u Republici Hrvatskoj (Novelties and problems in implementing the Bankruptcy law in the Republic of Croatia
I Tomas Žiković, D Bodul, S Žiković
Ekonomski pregled 65 (4), 318-351, 2014
Micro and macroeconomic variables in predicting financial distress of companies
I Tomas, M Dimitric
The Ninth International Conference Challenges of Europe : Growth and …, 2011
Advantages and disadvantages of German consumer bankruptcy model: Guidelines for Croatian lawmaker
D Bodul, I Tomas Žiković
Ekonomski vjesnik: Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and …, 2014
Evaluation of relative efficiency of higher education institutions of economic orientation
A Arbula Blecich, I Tomas Žiković
5. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij “Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske–vizija i …, 2016
Profitability determinants in the hotel industry; case of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and Croatia
M Dimitrić, I Tomas Žiković, V Matejčić
Financije-Teorija i Suvremena Pitanja. Ekonomsku Fakultet u Osijeku, 329-350, 2018
Empirical analysis of wind power generation profitabilitiy in Croatia
IT Žiković, S Žiković
4. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij “Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske–vizija i …, 2015
Treba li oporezivati kupnju nekretnina u Hrvatskoj?-stav stanovništva
B Baljak, H Blažić, A Štambuk, I Tomas Žiković, V Zaninović
Zbornik veleučilišta u Rijeci 6 (1), 23-38, 2018
Socijalni i pravno-ekonomski aspekti uvođenja potrošačkog stečaja
D Bodul, I Tomas Žiković, S Žiković
Revija za socijalnu politiku 22 (2), 133-152, 2015
Ekonomsko vrednovanje na strani ponude i potražnje - ključ alokacije resursa u javnom zdravstvu (Valuation of supply and demand - key to public health care resource allocation)
N Dukić, I Tomas Žiković
Ekonomski pregled 66 (2), 177-200, 2015
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Articles 1–20