Hrvoje Sertic
Hrvoje Sertic
Tenure professor, University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology
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Osnove borilačkih sportova: judo, karate, hrvanje
H Sertić
Analysis of judo match for seniors
I Segedi, H Sertic, D Franjic, N Kustro, D Rozac
Journal of combat sports and martial arts 2 (5), 57-61, 2014
Differences in physical fitness levels between the classical and the free style wrestlers
M Baić, H Sertić, W Starosta
Kinesiology 39 (2.), 142-149, 2007
Anthropological determinants of success in young judoists
S Krstulović, D Sekulić, H Sertić
Collegium antropologicum 29 (2), 697-703, 2005
Relations among variables of shooting for a goal and outcomes of the 2000 Men’s European Handball Championship matches
D Vuleta, D Milanović, H Sertić
Kinesiology 35 (2), 168-183, 2003
Influence of latent motor abilities on performance in judo.
H Sertic, S Sterkowicz, D Vuleta
Kinesiology 41 (1), 2009
Anthropological and fitness status of Croatian judoists
H Sertić, I Segedi, D Milanović
Archives of Budo 2, 24-27, 2006
Povezanost varijabli šutiranja na gol s konašnim rezultatom rukometnih utakmica Europskog prvenstvu 2000. godine za muškarce
D Vuleta, D Milanović, H Sertić
Kinesiology 35 (2.), 168-173, 2003
Effects of different aspects of coordination on the fighting methods and sport skill level in cadet judo contestants
G Lech, H Sertić, S Sterkowicz, K Sterkowicz-Przybycień, J Jaworski, ...
Kinesiology 46 (1.), 69-78, 2014
Utjecaj programiranog devetomjesečnog treninga karatea na promjene motoričkih obilježja dječaka od 9 do 11 godina
T Vidranski, H Sertić, I Segedi
Hrvatski športskomedicinski vjesnik 22 (1), 25-31, 2007
Relations of certain anthropometric variables with the performance quality of throwing techniques in judo
H Sertić, I Segedi, M Žvan
Kinesiologia Slovenica 13 (1), 48-60, 2007
Classification of judo throwing techniques according to their importance in judo match
I Segedi, H Sertić
Kinesiology 46 (Supplement 1.), 108-113, 2014
Situational efficiency of arm and leg techniques in a karate fight of top-level female karate competitors
H Sertic, I Segedi, T Vidranski
Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology 12 (2), 44-49, 2012
Technical and tactical aspects that differentiate winning and losing performances in elite male karate fighter
T Vidranski, H Sertić, J Jukić
Collegium antropologicum 39 (Supplement 1), 95-102, 2015
Structure of importance of techniques of throws in different age groups in men judo
H Sertić, I Segedi
Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts 3 (1), 59-62, 2012
Construction and validation of measurement tools for the evaluation of specific agility in karate
H Sertić, T Vidranski, I Segedi
Ido Movement for Culture: journal of martial arts anthropology: theory of …, 2011
Relacije nekih motoričkih, antropometrijskih i konativnih varijabli s uspjehom u borbi, brzinom učenja i kvalitetom izvođenja tehnike bacanja u judu
H Sertić
Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu, 2000
Judo osnove
H Sertić, I Segedi
Povezanost koordinacije s uspjehom i efikasnošću u judo borbi jedanaestgodišnjaka
H Sertić
Hrvatski športskomedicinski vjesnik 12 (2-3), 70-75, 1997
Razlike između vrhunskih poljskih i hrvatskih hrvača različitih stilova, dobi i težinskih skupina u prostoru varijabli za procjenu kondicijske pripremljenosti
M Baić
Kineziološki fakultet u Zagrebu, 2006
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Articles 1–20