Vedran Miletić
Vedran Miletić
HPC application expert, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
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User Guide to the Beamer Class
T Tantau, J Wright, V Miletic
Version 3 (11), 2004
In silico design of the first DNA-independent mechanism-based inhibitor of mammalian DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1
V Miletić, I Odorčić, P Nikolić, ŽM Svedružić
PloS one 12 (4), e0174410, 2017
Structural analysis of the simultaneous activation and inhibition of γ-secretase activity in the development of drugs for Alzheimer’s disease
ŽM Svedružić, K Vrbnjak, M Martinović, V Miletić
Pharmaceutics 13 (4), 514, 2021
Molecular dynamics simulations of molecules in uniform flow
AM Herrera-Rodríguez, V Miletić, C Aponte-Santamaría, F Gräter
Biophysical journal 116 (9), 1579-1585, 2019
Modelling optical network components: A network simulator-based approach
V Miletić, B Mikac, M Džanko
2012 IX International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL), 1-6, 2012
On the influence of the underlying network topology on optical telecommunication network availability under shared risk link group failures
V Miletić, D Maniadakis, B Mikac, D Varoutas
2014 10th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication …, 2014
Analytical and Simulation Availability Models of ROADM Architectures
M Džanko, B Mikac, V Miletić, N Amaya, G Zervas, D Simeonidou
International Conference on Telecommunications 2013, 2013
Antioxidant Activity, Stability in Aqueous Medium and Molecular Docking/Dynamics Study of 6-Amino- and N-Methyl-6-amino-L-ascorbic Acid
L Saftić Martinović, N Birkic, V Miletić, R Antolović, D Štanfel, K Wittine
International journal of molecular sciences 24 (2), 1410, 2023
The Beamer class. User Guide for version 3.54
T Tantau, J Wright, V Mileti
Режим доступа: http://tug. ctan. org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc …, 2018
Availability of all-optical switching fabrics used in optical cross-connects
M Dzanko, B Mikac, V Miletic
MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 568-572, 2012
Stability of Biological Membranes upon Mechanical Indentation
F Franz, C Aponte-Santamaría, C Daday, V Miletić, F Gräter
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (28), 7073-7079, 2018
Method for optimizing availability of optical telecommunication network in presence of correlated failures
V Miletic
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2015
Optimizing ELARS Algorithms Using NVIDIA CUDA Heterogeneous Parallel Programming Platform
V Miletić, M Holenko Dlab, N Hoić-Božić
ICT Innovations 2014: World of Data, 135-144, 2015
Optimizing maximum shared risk link group disjoint path algorithm using NVIDIA CUDA heterogeneous parallel programming platform
V Miletić, T Šubić, B Mikac
2014 X International Symposium on Telecommunications (BIHTEL), 1-6, 2014
Impact Evaluation of Physical Length of Shared Risk Link Groups on Optical Network Availability Using Monte Carlo Simulation
V Miletić, B Mikac, M Džanko
Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), 2013 18th European Conference on …, 2013
Structure-Based Molecular Docking in the Identification of Novel Inhibitors Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
V Miletić, P Nikolić, D Kinkela
2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2021
High-throughput Virtual Screening Web Service Development for SARS-CoV-2 Drug Design
V Miletić, MA Katić, Ž Svedružić
2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2020
The BEAMER Class: User Guide for Version 3.50
T Tantau, J Wright, V Miletić
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2017
In Silico Optimization of the First DNA-Independent Mechanism-Based Inhibitor of Mammalian DNA Methyltransferase DNMT1
P Nikolić, V Miletić, I Odorcić, ŽM Svedružić
Epi-Informatics, 113-153, 2016
LLVM AMDGPU for High Performance Computing: are we competitive yet?
V Miletić, S Páll, F Gräter
2017 European LLVM Developers' Meeting, 1-1, 2017
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Articles 1–20