Saurabh Chawdhary
Wake characteristics of a TriFrame of axial-flow hydrokinetic turbines
S Chawdhary, C Hill, X Yang, M Guala, D Corren, J Colby, F Sotiropoulos
Renewable Energy 109, 332-345, 2017
Unstructured Cartesian refinement with sharp interface immersed boundary method for 3D unsteady incompressible flows
D Angelidis, S Chawdhary, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 272-300, 2016
Flash-X: A multiphysics simulation software instrument
A Dubey, K Weide, J O’Neal, A Dhruv, S Couch, JA Harris, T Klosterman, ...
SoftwareX 19, 101168, 2022
Multiresolution large‐Eddy simulation of an array of hydrokinetic turbines in a field‐scale River: The Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy Project in New York City
S Chawdhary, D Angelidis, J Colby, D Corren, L Shen, F Sotiropoulos
Water Resources Research 54 (12), 10,188-10,204, 2018
Large eddy simulation of density current on sloping beds
S Chawdhary, A Khosronejad, G Christodoulou, F Sotiropoulos
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 120, 1374-1385, 2018
On the synergistic interrelation between supercavity formation through vaporous and ventilated routes
A Karn, S Chawdhary
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 104, 1-8, 2018
Distillation of best practices from refactoring flash for exascale
A Dubey, J O’Neal, K Weide, S Chawdhary
SN Computer Science 1 (4), 223, 2020
GPU accelerated FWI using the Open Concurrent Computing Abstraction (OCCA)
A St-Cyr, S Reker, S Frijters, S Chawdhary, A Panda, S Banerjee, ...
Fifth EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream 2021 (1), 1-5, 2021
Checkpoint/Restart for Lagrangian particle mesh with AMR in community code FLASH-X
R Jain, K Weide, S Chawdhary, T Klostermann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04267, 2021
Simulation-based approach for site-specific optimization of marine and hydrokinetic energy conversion systems
X Yang, A Khosronejad, S Chawdhary, A Calderer, D Angelidis, L Shen, ...
36th IAHR World Congress, 1-4, 2015
Simulation planning using component based cost model
A Dubey, S Chawdhary, JA Harris, B Messer
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2019
Immersed boundary methods for fluid-structure interaction problems in two-phase flows with phase changes
S Chawdhary, A Dhruv, A Dubey, E Balaras
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Performance Engineering for Deep Learning Adaptation of Seismic Processing Workflow
S Banerjee, A Panda, S Chawdhary, P Devarakota
Proceedings of the 5th Joint International Conference on Data Science …, 2022
Towards Performance Portability and Modernization of FLASH via Transpilation with High-Level Intermediate Representation
M Bysiek, S Chawdhary, M Wahib, A Dubey, S Matsuoka
Multi-resolution Modeling and Simulation of Marine Hydrokinetic Turbine Arrays at Site Scale
S Chawdhary
University of Minnesota, 2017
Field scale simulation of axial hydrokinetic turbines in a natural marine environment
S Chawdhary, D Angelidis, L Shen, F Sotiropoulos
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, M2. 003, 2016
Wake structure of axial-flow hydrokinetic turbines in tri-frame arrangement
S Chawdhary, X Yang, C Hill, A Khosronejad, M Guala, F Sotiropoulos
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, R1. 007, 2015
Simulation-Based Approach for Site-Specific Optimization of Hydrokinetic Turbine Arrays
F Sotiropoulos, S Chawdhary, X Yang, A Khosronejad, D Angelidis
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, OS21F-03, 2014
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow past tri-frame configurations of hydrokinetic turbines in an open channel
S Chawdhary, X Yang, C Hill, M Guala, F Sotiropoulos
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, D24. 007, 2014
Large-eddy simulation of density currents on inclined beds
S Chawdhary, A Khosronejad, G Christodoulou, F Sotiropoulos
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, R1. 003, 2013
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