Partha Sharathi Dutta
Partha Sharathi Dutta
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
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Chimera patterns induced by distance-dependent power-law coupling in ecological networks
T Banerjee, PS Dutta, A Zakharova, E Schöell
Physical Review E 94 (3), 032206, 2016
Early warning signals for critical transitions in a thermoacoustic system
EA Gopalakrishnan, Y Sharma, T John, PS Dutta, RI Sujith
Scientific Reports, 35310, 2016
Thermo-elastic interaction without energy dissipation in an infinite solid with distributed periodically varying heat sources
SK Roychoudhuri, PS Dutta
International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (14), 4192-4203, 2005
Stochasticity and bistability in insect outbreak dynamics
Y Sharma, KC Abbott, PS Dutta, AK Gupta
Theoretical Ecology 8, 163-174, 2015
Machine learning methods trained on simple models can predict critical transitions in complex natural systems
S Deb, S Sidheekh, C Clements, N Krishnan, P Dutta
ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 9 (2), 211475, 2022
Robustness of early warning signals for catastrophic and non-catastrophic transitions
PS Dutta, Y Sharma, KC Abbott
Oikos 127 (9), 10.1111/oik.05172, 2018
Spatial coexistence of synchronized oscillation and death: A chimeralike state
PS Dutta, T Banerjee
Physical Review E 92 (4), 042919, 2015
Anticipating critical transitions in epithelial–hybrid-mesenchymal cell-fate determination
S Sarkar, SK Sinha, H Levine, MK Jolly, PS Dutta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52), 26343-26352, 2019
Mean-field dispersion-induced spatial synchrony, oscillation and amplitude death, and temporal stability in an ecological model
T Banerjee, PS Dutta, A Gupta
Physical Review E 91 (5), 052919, 2015
On the existence of low-period orbits in n-dimensional piecewise linear discontinuous maps
PS Dutta, B Routroy, S Banerjee, SS Alam
Nonlinear Dynamics 53 (4), 369-380, 2008
Environmental coupling in ecosystems: From oscillation quenching to rhythmogenesis
R Arumugam, PS Dutta, T Banerjee
Physical Review E 94 (2), 022206, 2016
Influence of a square-root singularity on the behaviour of piecewise smooth maps
V Avrutin, PS Dutta, M Schanz, S Banerjee
Nonlinearity 23, 445, 2010
Anticipating the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
T Kaur, S Sarkar, S Chowdhury, SK Sinha, MK Jolly, PS Dutta
Frontiers in Public Health 8, 569669, 2020
Increased persistence via asynchrony in oscillating ecological populations with long-range interaction
A Gupta, T Banerjee, PS Dutta
Physical Review E 96 (4), 042202, 2017
Anticipating regime shifts in gene expression: The case of an autoactivating positive feedback loop
Y Sharma, PS Dutta, AK Gupta
Physical Review E 93 (3), 032404, 2016
From synchronisation to persistent optical turbulence in laser arrays
N Blackbeard, S Wieczorek, H Erzgräber, PS Dutta
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 286, 43-58, 2014
Local and global bifurcations in three-dimensional, continuous, piecewise smooth maps
S De, PS Dutta, S Banerjee, AR Roy
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and …, 2011
Dynamic environment-induced multistability and critical transition in a metacommunity ecosystem
R Arumugam, S Sarkar, T Banerjee, S Sinha, PS Dutta
Physical Review E 99 (3), 032216, 2019
To share or not to share? Phytoplankton species coexistence puzzle in a competition model incorporating multiple resource-limitation and synthesizing unit concepts
S Sarker, U Feudel, CL Meunier, P Lemke, PS Dutta, KH Wiltshire
Ecological Modelling 383, 150-159, 2018
Regime shifts driven by dynamic correlations in gene expression noise
Y Sharma, PS Dutta
Physical Review E 96 (2), 022409, 2017
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Articles 1–20