Marketed surplus under risk: do peasants agree with Sandmo? I Finkelshtain, JA Chalfant American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (3), 557-567, 1991 | 244 | 1991 |
Economic implications of agricultural reuse of treated wastewater in Israel: A statewide long-term perspective A Reznik, E Feinerman, I Finkelshtain, F Fisher, A Huber-Lee, B Joyce, ... Ecological Economics 135, 222-233, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
Differentiation and synergies in rural tourism: Estimation and simulation of the Israeli market A Tchetchik, A Fleischer, I Finkelshtain American journal of agricultural economics 90 (2), 553-570, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Prices versus quantities: The political perspective I Finkelshtain, Y Kislev Journal of Political Economy 105 (1), 83-100, 1997 | 87 | 1997 |
On a political solution to the NIMBY conflict E Feinerman, I Finkelshtain, I Kan American Economic Review 94 (1), 369-381, 2004 | 84 | 2004 |
Block‐Rate versus Uniform Water Pricing in Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis Z Bar-Shira, I Finkelshtain, A Simhon American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (4), 986-999, 2006 | 83 | 2006 |
On risk aversion with two risks I Finkelshtain, O Kella, M Scarsini Journal of Mathematical Economics 31 (2), 239-250, 1999 | 66 | 1999 |
Introducing socioeconomic characteristics into production analysis under risk E Feinerman, I Finkelshtain Agricultural Economics 13 (3), 149-161, 1996 | 60 | 1996 |
The economics of collective brands A Fishman, A Simhon, I Finkelshtain, N Yacouel Bar-Ilan University Department of Economics Research Paper, 2010 | 53 | 2010 |
Two-moments decision models and utility-representable preferences Z Bar-Shira, I Finkelshtain Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 38 (2), 237-244, 1999 | 39 | 1999 |
Commodity price stabilization in a peasant economy I Finkelshtain, JA Chalfant American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (4), 1208-1217, 1997 | 34 | 1997 |
Rural tourism: Development, public intervention and lessons from the Israeli experience A Tchetchik, A Fleischer, I Finkelshtain | 33 | 2006 |
Rural Tourism: Developmelnt A Tchetchik, A Fleischer, I Finkelshtain Public Intervention and Lessons from the Israeli Experience, 2006 | 30 | 2006 |
Effects of violent political conflict on the supply, demand and fragmentation of fresh food markets Z Bar-Nahum, I Finkelshtain, R Ihle, OD Rubin Food Security 12 (3), 503-515, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Portfolio choices in the presence of other risks I Finkelshtain, JA Chalfant Management Science 39 (8), 925-936, 1993 | 21 | 1993 |
Simple nonparametric tests of technological change: Theory and application to US agriculture Z Bar‐Shira, I Finkelshtain American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81 (4), 850-864, 1999 | 19 | 1999 |
The cost of covering costs: A nationwide model for water pricing A Reznik, E Feinerman, I Finkelshtain, I Kan, F Fisher, A Huber-Lee, ... Water Economics and Policy 2 (04), 1650024, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
The econometrics of block rate pricing in agriculture Z Bar-Shira, I Finkelshtain, A Simhon American Journal of Agriculture Economics 84 (4), 986-999, 2006 | 18 | 2006 |
Large‐scale desalination and the external impact on irrigation‐water salinity: Economic analysis for the case of Israel Y Slater, I Finkelshtain, A Reznik, I Kan Water Resources Research 56 (9), e2019WR025657, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Impact of Counter‐Urbanization on Size, Population Mix, and Welfare of an Agricultural Region E Feinerman, I Finkelshtain, A Tchetchik, M Delgo American journal of agricultural economics 93 (4), 1032-1047, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |