Michael Marthaler
Michael Marthaler
Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik, KIT, Karlsruhe
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Stabilizing the magnetic moment of single holmium atoms by symmetry
T Miyamachi, T Schuh, T Märkl, C Bresch, T Balashov, A Stöhr, ...
Nature 503 (7475), 242-246, 2013
Analog quantum simulation of the Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime
J Braumüller, M Marthaler, A Schneider, A Stehli, H Rotzinger, M Weides, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 779, 2017
Implementation of a quantum metamaterial using superconducting qubits
P Macha, G Oelsner, JM Reiner, M Marthaler, S André, G Schön, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5146, 2014
Switching via quantum activation: A parametrically modulated oscillator
M Marthaler, MI Dykman
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (4), 042108, 2006
Observation of separated dynamics of charge and spin in the fermi-hubbard model
F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, D Bacon, JC Bardin, R Barends, A Bengtsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07965, 2020
Irreversibility on the level of single-electron tunneling
B Küng, C Rössler, M Beck, M Marthaler, DS Golubev, Y Utsumi, T Ihn, ...
Physical Review X 2 (1), 011001, 2012
Bidirectional single-electron counting and the fluctuation theorem
Y Utsumi, DS Golubev, M Marthaler, K Saito, T Fujisawa, G Schön
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 125331, 2010
Decoherence spectroscopy with individual two-level tunneling defects
J Lisenfeld, A Bilmes, S Matityahu, S Zanker, M Marthaler, M Schechter, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23786, 2016
Phase space crystals: a new way to create a quasienergy band structure
L Guo, M Marthaler, G Schön
Physical review letters 111 (20), 205303, 2013
Accuracy and resource estimations for quantum chemistry on a near-term quantum computer
M Kühn, S Zanker, P Deglmann, M Marthaler, H Weiß
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (9), 4764-4780, 2019
Strong coupling of spin qubits to a transmission line resonator
PQ Jin, M Marthaler, A Shnirman, G Schön
Physical review letters 108 (19), 190506, 2012
Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial
P Jung, S Butz, M Marthaler, MV Fistul, J Leppäkangas, VP Koshelets, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3730, 2014
Lasing and transport in a quantum-dot resonator circuit
PQ Jin, M Marthaler, JH Cole, A Shnirman, G Schön
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (3), 035322, 2011
Quantum simulation of the spin-boson model with a microwave circuit
J Leppäkangas, J Braumüller, M Hauck, JM Reiner, I Schwenk, S Zanker, ...
Physical Review A 97 (5), 052321, 2018
Quantum heating of a parametrically modulated oscillator: Spectral signatures
MI Dykman, M Marthaler, V Peano
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 052115, 2011
Multiphoton dressing of an anharmonic superconducting many-level quantum circuit
J Braumüller, J Cramer, S Schlör, H Rotzinger, L Radtke, A Lukashenko, ...
Physical Review B 91 (5), 054523, 2015
Finding the ground state of the Hubbard model by variational methods on a quantum computer with gate errors
JM Reiner, F Wilhelm-Mauch, G Schön, M Marthaler
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (3), 035005, 2019
Nonclassical photon pair production in a voltage-biased Josephson junction
J Leppäkangas, G Johansson, M Marthaler, M Fogelström
Physical Review Letters 110 (26), 267004, 2013
Antibunched photons from inelastic cooper-pair tunneling
J Leppäkangas, M Fogelström, A Grimm, M Hofheinz, M Marthaler, ...
Physical review letters 115 (2), 027004, 2015
Quantum interference in the classically forbidden region: A parametric oscillator
M Marthaler, MI Dykman
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (1), 010102, 2007
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