Michael Tran
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Cited by
Tunable room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayers
A Soumyanarayanan, M Raju, AL Gonzalez Oyarce, AKC Tan, MY Im, ...
Nature materials 16 (9), 898-904, 2017
Enhancement of the Spin Accumulation at the Interface<? format?> between a Spin-Polarized Tunnel Junction and a Semiconductor
M Tran, H Jaffrès, C Deranlot, JM George, A Fert, A Miard, A Lemaître
Physical review letters 102 (3), 036601, 2009
High-power tunable dilute mode DFB laser with low RIN and narrow linewidth
M Faugeron, M Tran, O Parillaud, M Chtioui, Y Robert, E Vinet, A Enard, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 25 (1), 7-10, 2012
Strain control of the magnetic anisotropy in (Ga, Mn)(As, P) ferromagnetic semiconductor layers
A Lemaître, A Miard, L Travers, O Mauguin, L Largeau, C Gourdon, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (2), 2008
Spin-polarized inelastic tunneling through insulating barriers
Y Lu, M Tran, H Jaffrès, P Seneor, C Deranlot, F Petroff, JM George, ...
Physical review letters 102 (17), 176801, 2009
Magnetization dynamics and its scattering mechanism in thin CoFeB films with interfacial anisotropy
A Okada, S He, B Gu, S Kanai, A Soumyanarayanan, ST Lim, M Tran, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (15), 3815-3820, 2017
Magnetism and structure of chemically disordered nanocubes
O Margeat, M Tran, M Spasova, M Farle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (13), 134410, 2007
High-Power, Low RIN 1.55-Directly Modulated DFB Lasers for Analog Signal Transmission
M Faugeron, M Tran, F Lelarge, M Chtioui, Y Robert, E Vinet, A Enard, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (2), 116-118, 2011
CMOS-embedded STT-MRAM arrays in 2x nm nodes for GP-MCU applications
D Shum, D Houssameddine, ST Woo, YS You, J Wong, KW Wong, ...
2017 Symposium on VLSI Technology, T208-T209, 2017
MgO thickness dependence of spin injection efficiency in spin-light emitting diodes
Y Lu, VG Truong, P Renucci, M Tran, H Jaffrès, C Deranlot, JM George, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (15), 2008
First-principles study of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoFe/MgO and CoFe/MgBO interfaces
KH Khoo, G Wu, MH Jhon, M Tran, F Ernult, K Eason, HJ Choi, CK Gan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (17), 174403, 2013
High speed pulsed electrical spin injection in spin-light emitting diode
VG Truong, PH Binh, P Renucci, M Tran, Y Lu, H Jaffrès, JM George, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (14), 2009
Effect of different seed layers with varying Co and Pt thicknesses on the magnetic properties of Co/Pt multilayers
ST Lim, M Tran, JW Chenchen, JF Ying, G Han
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (17), 2015
Asymmetry in effective fields of spin-orbit torques in Pt/Co/Pt stacks
C Hin Sim, J Cheng Huang, M Tran, K Eason
Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 2014
Technology for reliable spin-torque MRAM products
JM Slaughter, K Nagel, R Whig, S Deshpande, S Aggarwal, M DeHerrera, ...
2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 21.5. 1-21.5. 4, 2016
Helical domain walls in constricted cylindrical NiFe nanowires
M Chandra Sekhar, HF Liew, I Purnama, WS Lew, M Tran, GC Han
Applied Physics Letters 101 (15), 2012
High peak power and sub-picosecond Fourier-limited pulse generation from passively mode-locked monolithic two-section gain-guided tapered InGaAs quantum-dot lasers
DI Nikitichev, Y Ding, MA Cataluna, EU Rafailov, L Drzewietzki, S Breuer, ...
Laser Physics 22, 715-724, 2012
Exchange-Mediated Anisotropy of (Ga, Mn) As Valence-Band Probed<? format?> by Resonant Tunneling Spectroscopy
M Elsen, H Jaffrès, R Mattana, M Tran, JM George, A Miard, A Lemaître
Physical review letters 99 (12), 127203, 2007
Origin of the resistance-area-product dependence of spin-transfer-torque switching in perpendicular magnetic random-access memory cells
G Mihajlović, N Smith, T Santos, J Li, M Tran, M Carey, BD Terris, ...
Physical Review Applied 13 (2), 024004, 2020
Influence of Ta insertions on the magnetic properties of MgO/CoFeB/MgO films probed by ferromagnetic resonance
MPR Sabino, S Ter Lim, M Tran
Applied Physics Express 7 (9), 093002, 2014
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Articles 1–20