Vince Eccles
Vince Eccles
Space Environment Corporation
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Theory for modeling the equatorial evening ionosphere and the origin of the shear in the horizontal plasma flow
G Haerendel, JV Eccles, S Cakir
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A2), 1209-1223, 1992
Modeling investigation of the evening prereversal enhancement of the zonal electric field in the equatorial ionosphere
JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A11), 26709-26719, 1998
The role of the equatorial electrojet in the evening ionosphere
G Haerendel, JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A2), 1181-1192, 1992
A simple model of low‐latitude electric fields
JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 103 (A11), 26699-26708, 1998
Latitude dependence of zonal plasma drifts obtained from dual‐site airglow observations
C Martinis, JV Eccles, J Baumgardner, J Manzano, M Mendillo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A3), 2003
Mechanisms underlying the prereversal enhancement of the vertical plasma drift in the low‐latitude ionosphere
JV Eccles, JP St. Maurice, RW Schunk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (6), 4950-4970, 2015
Geospace environment modeling 2008–2009 challenge: Dst index
L Rastätter, MM Kuznetsova, A Glocer, D Welling, X Meng, J Raeder, ...
Space Weather 11 (4), 187-205, 2013
Expanded capabilities for the ionospheric forecast model
RW Schunk, JJ Sojka, JV Eccles
Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force …, 1998
Study of the evening plasma drift vortex in the low-latitude ionosphere using San Marco electric field measurements
GW V Eccles, N Maynard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A12), 28133-28143, 1999
A study of oxygen 6300 A airglow production through chemical modification of the nighttime ionosphere
VE J Semeter, M Mendillo, J Baumgardner, J Holt, D E
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A9), 19683-19699, 1996
The effect of gravity and pressure in the electrodynamics of the low‐latitude ionosphere
JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A5), 2004
Space weather effects on midlatitude HF propagation paths: Observations and a data‐driven D region model
JV Eccles, RD Hunsucker, D Rice, JJ Sojka
Space Weather 3 (1), 2005
Airglow observations and modeling of F region depletion zonal velocities over Christmas Island
NP Chapagain, MJ Taylor, JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A2), 2011
Ensemble modeling with data assimilation models: A new strategy for space weather specifications, forecasts, and science
RW Schunk, L Scherliess, V Eccles, L Gardner, JJ Sojka, L Zhu, X Pi, ...
Space Weather 12 (3), 123, 2014
Lunar atmospheric tidal effects in the plasma drifts observed by the Low‐Latitude Ionospheric Sensor Network
V Eccles, DD Rice, JJ Sojka, CE Valladares, T Bullett, JL Chau
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A7), 2011
Space weather forecasting with a multimodel ensemble prediction system (MEPS)
RW Schunk, L Scherliess, V Eccles, LC Gardner, JJ Sojka, L Zhu, X Pi, ...
Radio Science 51 (7), 1157-1165, 2016
Modeling the ionospheric response to artificially produced density enhancements
S Cakir, G Haerendel, JV Eccles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A2), 1193-1207, 1992
Assimilation of global-scale and mesoscale electric fields from low-latitude satellites
JV Eccles
Radio Science 39 (1), 1-8, 2004
Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
S Haaland, A Eriksson, M André, L Maes, L Baddeley, A Barakat, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (12), 10,622-10,639, 2015
Plasma parameters in the near wake of the space shuttle
WJ Raitt, JV Eccles, DC Thompson, PM Banks, PR Williamson, RI Bush
Geophysical research letters 14 (4), 359-362, 1987
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