Rasoul Faraji
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Cited by
Soft-switched Non-Isolated High Step-up Three-port DC-DC converter for Hybrid Energy Systems
R Faraji, H Farzanehfard
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (12), 10101-10111, 2018
FPGA-based real time incremental conductance maximum power point tracking controller for photovoltaic systems
R Faraji, A Rouholamini, HR Naji, R Fadaeinedjad, MR Chavoshian
IET Power Electronics 7 (5), 1294-1304, 2014
Fully Soft-Switched High Step-Up Nonisolated Three-Port DC–DC Converter Using GaN HEMTs
R Faraji, H Farzanehfard, G Kampitsis, M Mattavelli, E Matioli, M Esteki
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (10), 8371-8380, 2020
Fully Soft Switched Multi-Port DC-DC Converter with High Integration
R Faraji, H Farzanehfard
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (2), 1901 - 1908, 2021
Soft-switched non-isolated high step-up multi-port DC-DC converter for hybrid energy system with minimum number of switches
R Faraji, E Adib, H Farzanehfard
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 106, 511-519, 2019
Soft-Switched Single Inductor Single Stage Multi-Port Bidirectional Power Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems
R Faraji, L Ding, M Esteki, N Mazloum, SA Khajehoddin
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
Developing more efficient wind turbines: A survey of control challenges and opportunities
A Shourangiz-Haghighi, M Diazd, Y Zhang, J Li, Y Yuan, R Faraji, L Ding, ...
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 14 (4), 53-64, 2020
An Ultra High Step-up DC-DC Converter Based on the Boost, Luo, and Voltage Doubler structure: Mathematical Expresion, Simulation, and Experimental
T Rahimi, L Ding, H Gholizadeh, R Sharifi Shahrivar, R Faraji
IEEE Access, 2021
An efficient crossover architecture for hardware parallel implementation of genetic algorithm
R Faraji, HR Naji
Neurocomputing 128, 316-327, 2014
A Lossless Passive Snubber Circuit for Three-Port DC-DC Converter
R Faraji, H Farzanehfard, M Esteki, SA Khajehoddin
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (2 …, 2021
Soft-Switched Three-Port DC-DC Converter with Simple Auxiliary Circuit
R Faraji, L Ding, T Rahimi, M Kheshti, MR Islam
IEEE Access, 2021
Application of Soft-Switching Cell with Inherent Redundancy Properties for Enhancing the Reliability of Boost-based DC-DC Converters
R Faraji, L Ding, T Rahimi, M kheshti
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
Inertia Response Coordination Strategy of Wind Generators and Hybrid Energy Storage and Operation Cost-based Multi-objective Optimizing of Frequency Control Parameters
T Rahimi, L Ding, M Kheshti, R Faraji, JM Guerrero, GD Agundis-Tinajero
IEEE Access, 2021
Efficient multi-port bidirectional converter with soft-switching capability for electric vehicle applications
R Faraji, L Ding, T Rahimi, H Farzanehfard, H Hafezi, M Maghsoudi
IEEE Access 9, 107079-107094, 2021
Adaptive Technique for Overcoming Performance Degradation Due to Aging on 6T SRAM Cells
R Faraji, HR Naji
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 14 (4), 1031-1040, 2014
Performance Improvement of the Three-Phase Interleaved DC-DC Converter without Requiring Anti-saturation Control for Post-fault Conditions
T Rahimi, L Ding, R Faraji, M Kheshti, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (7), 7378-7383, 2021
Adaptive Edge Detection Technique Implemented on FPGA
S Taslimi, R Faraji, A Aghasi, HR Naji
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2020
New SRAM design using body bias technique for low‐power and high‐speed applications
R Faraji, HR Naji, M Rahimi‐Nezhad, M Arabnejhad
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 42 (11), 1189–1202, 2014
Unbalanced Currents Effect on the Thermal Characteristic and Reliability of Parallel Connected Power Switches
T Rahimi, L Ding, A Abadifard, P Ghavidel, M Farhadi, R Faraji
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021
Performance Analyses of a Three-Port Converter for Post-Fault Conditions in Aerospace Applications
T Rahimi, L Ding, R Faraji, M Kheshti, J Pou, KH Loo
12th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2021
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Articles 1–20