Yael Jacob
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Cited by
Gray matter atrophy distinguishes between Parkinson disease motor subtypes
K Rosenberg-Katz, T Herman, Y Jacob, N Giladi, T Hendler, JM Hausdorff
Neurology 80 (16), 1476-1484, 2013
Functional connectivity dynamics during film viewing reveal common networks for different emotional experiences
G Raz, A Touroutoglou, C Wilson-Mendenhall, G Gilam, T Lin, T Gonen, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 709-723, 2016
Portraying emotions at their unfolding: a multilayered approach for probing dynamics of neural networks
G Raz, Y Winetraub, Y Jacob, S Kinreich, A Maron-Katz, G Shaham, ...
Neuroimage 60 (2), 1448-1461, 2012
Cry for her or cry with her: context-dependent dissociation of two modes of cinematic empathy reflected in network cohesion dynamics
G Raz, Y Jacob, T Gonen, Y Winetraub, T Flash, E Soreq, T Hendler
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 9 (1), 30-38, 2014
Portraying the unique contribution of the default mode network to internally driven mnemonic processes
I Shapira-Lichter, N Oren, Y Jacob, M Gruberger, T Hendler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (13), 4950-4955, 2013
Neural correlates of rumination in major depressive disorder: A brain network analysis
Y Jacob, LS Morris, KH Huang, M Schneider, S Rutter, G Verma, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 25, 102142, 2020
Disparate effects of training on brain activation in Parkinson disease
I Maidan, K Rosenberg-Katz, Y Jacob, N Giladi, JM Hausdorff, A Mirelman
Neurology 89 (17), 1804-1810, 2017
Gray matter atrophy and freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Is the evidence black‐on‐white?
T Herman, K Rosenberg‐Katz, Y Jacob, N Giladi, JM Hausdorff
Movement Disorders 29 (1), 134-139, 2014
Altered brain activation in complex walking conditions in patients with Parkinson's disease
I Maidan, K Rosenberg-Katz, Y Jacob, N Giladi, JE Deutsch, JM Hausdorff, ...
Parkinsonism & related disorders 25, 91-96, 2016
White matter hyperintensities in Parkinson’s disease: do they explain the disparity between the postural instability gait difficulty and tremor dominant subtypes?
T Herman, K Rosenberg-Katz, Y Jacob, E Auriel, T Gurevich, N Giladi, ...
PLoS One 8 (1), e55193, 2013
Altered organization of the dorsal attention network is associated with freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease
I Maidan, Y Jacob, N Giladi, JM Hausdorff, A Mirelman
Parkinsonism & related disorders 63, 77-82, 2019
Subcortical volumes differ in Parkinson’s disease motor subtypes: new insights into the pathophysiology of disparate symptoms
K Rosenberg-Katz, T Herman, Y Jacob, E Kliper, N Giladi, JM Hausdorff
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 356, 2016
Altered hippocampus and amygdala subregion connectome hierarchy in major depressive disorder
Y Jacob, LS Morris, G Verma, SB Rutter, P Balchandani, JW Murrough
Translational Psychiatry 12 (209), 2022
Towards emotional regulation through neurofeedback
M Cavazza, F Charles, G Aranyi, J Porteous, SW Gilroy, G Raz, ...
Proceedings of the 5th Augmented Human International Conference, 1-8, 2014
Fall risk is associated with amplified functional connectivity of the central executive network in patients with Parkinson’s disease
K Rosenberg-Katz, T Herman, Y Jacob, A Mirelman, N Giladi, T Hendler, ...
Journal of neurology 262, 2448-2456, 2015
A voxel‐based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging analysis of asymptomatic Parkinson's disease‐related G2019S LRRK2 mutation carriers
A Thaler, M Artzi, A Mirelman, Y Jacob, RC Helmich, BFL van Nuenen, ...
Movement Disorders 29 (6), 823-827, 2014
Distinct effects of motor training on resting-state functional networks of the brain in Parkinson’s disease
A Droby, I Maidan, Y Jacob, N Giladi, JM Hausdorff, A Mirelman
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 34 (9), 795-803, 2020
Breakdown of inter-hemispheric connectivity is associated with posttraumatic symptomatology and memory impairment
R Saar-Ashkenazy, R Veksler, J Guez, Y Jacob, I Shelef, H Shalev, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0144766, 2016
The human coparental bond implicates distinct corticostriatal pathways: longitudinal impact on family formation and child well-being
E Abraham, G Gilam, Y Kanat-Maymon, Y Jacob, O Zagoory-Sharon, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 42 (12), 2301-2313, 2017
Dependency Network Analysis (DEPNA) Reveals Context Related Influence of Brain Network Nodes
Y Jacob, Y Winetraub, G Raz, E Ben-Simon, H Okon-Singer, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 27444, 2016
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Articles 1–20