Asep Suryahadi
Asep Suryahadi
Senior Research Fellow, The SMERU Research Institute
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Assessing household vulnerability to poverty from cross-sectional data: A methodology and estimates from Indonesia
S Chaudhuri, J Jalan, A Suryahadi
Quantifying vulnerability to poverty: A proposed measure, applied to Indonesia
L Pritchett, A Suryahadi, S Sumarto
World Bank Publications, 2000
The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on poverty: An estimation for Indonesia
A Suryahadi, R Al Izzati, D Suryadarma
Jakarta: The SMERU Research Institute 12, 3-4, 2020
Estimating the impact of covid-19 on poverty in Indonesia
A Suryahadi, R Al Izzati, D Suryadarma
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 56 (2), 175-192, 2020
Social health insurance for the poor: Targeting and impact of Indonesia's Askeskin programme
R Sparrow, A Suryahadi, W Widyanti
Social science & medicine 96, 264-271, 2013
Economic growth and poverty reduction in Indonesia before and after the Asian financial crisis
A Suryahadi, G Hadiwidjaja, S Sumarto
Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies 48 (2), 209-227, 2012
Poverty and vulnerability in Indonesia before and after the economic crisis
A Suryahadi, S Sumarto
Asian Economic Journal 17 (1), 45-64, 2003
The effects of location and sectoral components of economic growth on poverty: Evidence from Indonesia
A Suryahadi, D Suryadarma, S Sumarto
Journal of development economics 89 (1), 109-117, 2009
Improving student performance in public primary schools in developing countries: Evidence from Indonesia
D Suryadarma, A Suryahadi, S Sumarto, FH Rogers
Education Economics 14 (4), 401-429, 2006
Minimum wage policy and its impact on employment in the urban formal sector
A Suryahadi, W Widyanti, D Perwira, S Sumarto
Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies 39 (1), 29-50, 2003
Measurements of Poverty in Indonesia: 1996, 1999, and beyond
M Pradhan, A Suryahadi, S Sumarto, L Pritchett
World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Region, Environment and Social Development …, 2000
Evolution of poverty during the crisis in Indonesia
A Suryahadi, S Sumarto, L Pritchett
Asian Economic Journal 17 (3), 221-241, 2003
Coping with the economic consequences of ill health in Indonesia
R Sparrow, EV de Poel, G Hadiwidjaja, A Yumna, N Warda, A Suryahadi
Health economics 23 (6), 719-728, 2014
Assessing the impact of Indonesian social safety net programmes on household welfare and poverty dynamics
S Sumarto, A Suryahadi, W Widyanti
The European journal of development research 17, 155-177, 2005
Traditional food traders in developing countries and competition from supermarkets: Evidence from Indonesia
D Suryadarma, A Poesoro, S Budiyati, M Rosfadhila, A Suryahadi
Food policy 35 (1), 79-86, 2010
From access to income: Regional and ethnic inequality in Indonesia
D Suryadarma, W Widyanti, A Suryahadi, S Sumarto
Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2006
Changes in household welfare, poverty and inequality during the crisis
E Skoufias, A Suryahadi
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 36 (2), 97-114, 2000
Eating like which “Joneses?” An iterative solution to the choice of a poverty line “reference group”
M Pradhan, A Suryahadi, S Sumarto, L Pritchett
Review of Income and Wealth 47 (4), 473-487, 2001
The chronic poor, the transient poor, and the vulnerable in Indonesia before and after the crisis
A Suryahadi, S Sumarto
SMERU, 2001
Designs and implementation of Indonesian social safety net programs
S Sumarto, A Suryahadi, W Widyanti
The Developing Economies 40 (1), 3-31, 2002
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Articles 1–20