Scott Salzman
Factors that influence adoption of cloud computing: An empirical study of Australian SMEs
I Senarathna, C Wilkin, M Warren, W Yeoh, S Salzman
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 22, 2018
The consequences of land use change on nutrient exports: a regional scale assessment in south-west Victoria, Australia
D Ierodiaconou, L Laurenson, M Leblanc, F Stagnitti, G Duff, S Salzman, ...
Journal of environmental management 74 (4), 305-316, 2005
Assessment of spatiotemporal varying relationships between rainfall, land cover and surface water area using geographically weighted regression
S Brown, VL Versace, L Laurenson, D Ierodiaconou, J Fawcett, ...
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 17, 241-254, 2012
The influence of organisation culture on E-commerce adoption
I Senarathna, M Warren, W Yeoh, S Salzman
Industrial Management & Data Systems 114 (7), 1007-1021, 2014
Effects of copper fungicide residues on the microbial function of vineyard soils
AM Wightwick, SA Salzman, SM Reichman, G Allinson, NW Menzies
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 1574-1585, 2013
In vitro and immunological assessment of the estrogenic activity and concentrations of 17β-estradiol, estrone, and ethinyl estradiol in treated effluent from 45 wastewater …
M Allinson, F Shiraishi, SA Salzman, G Allinson
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 58, 576-586, 2010
Security and privacy concerns for Australian SMEs cloud adoption: Empirical study of metropolitan vs regional SMEs
I Senarathna, W Yeoh, M Warren, S Salzman
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 20, 2016
Evaluation of the giant reed (Arundo donax) in horizontal subsurface flow wetlands for the treatment of recirculating aquaculture system effluent
SM Idris, PL Jones, SA Salzman, G Croatto, G Allinson
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19, 1159-1170, 2012
Evaluation of the giant reed (Arundo donax) in horizontal subsurface flow wetlands for the treatment of dairy processing factory wastewater
SM Idris, PL Jones, SA Salzman, G Croatto, G Allinson
Environmental science and pollution research 19, 3525-3537, 2012
Engaging diverse student audiences in contemporary blended learning environments in Australian higher business education: Implications for design and practice
G Pye, D Holt, S Salzman, E Bellucci, L Lombardi
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 19, 2015
An empirical study of factors influencing accounting information systems adoption
A Alamin, W Yeoh, M Warren, S Salzman
Deakin University, 2015
Inter-regional variability in environmental availability of fungicide derived copper in vineyard soils: an Australian case study
AM Wightwick, SA Salzman, SM Reichman, G Allinson, NW Menzies
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 (1), 449-457, 2010
EDRMS implementations in the Australian public sector
LT Nguyen, P Swatman, B Fraunholz, S Salzman
Herbicides and trace metals in urban waters in Melbourne, Australia (2011–12): concentrations and potential impact
M Allinson, P Zhang, AD Bui, JH Myers, V Pettigrove, G Rose, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 7274-7284, 2017
A pilot survey of 39 Victorian WWTP effluents using a high speed luminescent umu test in conjunction with a novel GC-MS-database technique for automatic …
M Allinson, S Kageyama, D Nakajima, R Kamata, F Shiraishi, S Goto, ...
Water Science and Technology 66 (4), 768-774, 2012
Performance of the Giant Reed (Arundo donax) in Experimental Wetlands Receiving Variable Loads of Industrial Stormwater
SM Idris, PL Jones, SA Salzman, G Allinson
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 549-557, 2012
Near-surface distributions of soil water and water repellency under three effluent irrigation schemes in a blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantation
LA Thwaites, GH De Rooij, S Salzman, G Allinson, F Stagnitti, R Carr, ...
Agricultural water management 86 (1-2), 212-219, 2006
Trace metal concentrations in wild and cultured Australian short-finned eel (Anguilla australis Richardson).
AM Calvi, G Allinson, P Jones, S Salzman, M Nishikawa, N Turoczy
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 77 (4), 2006
Environmental influences on akinete germination and development in Nodularia spumigena (Cyanobacteriaceae), isolated from the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria …
JH Myers, J Beardall, G Allinson, S Salzman, L Gunthorpe
Hydrobiologia 649, 239-247, 2010
Trace Metal Concentrations in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Three Catchments, Sri Lanka
G Allinson, SA Salzman, N Turoczy, M Nishikawa, US Amarasinghe, ...
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 82, 389-394, 2009
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