Slavko Trninić
Slavko Trninić
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Fitness profile of elite Croatian female taekwondo athletes
G Marković, M Mišigoj-Duraković, S Trninić
Collegium antropologicum 29 (1), 93-99, 2005
Differences between winning and defeated top quality basketball teams in final tournaments of European club championship
S Trninić, D Dizdar, E Lukšić
Collegium antropologicum 26 (2), 521-531, 2002
System of the performance evaluation criteria weighted per positions in the basketball game
S Trninić, D Dizdar
Collegium antropologicum 24 (1), 217-234, 2000
Expert model of decision-making system for efficient orientation of basketball players to positions and roles in the game–Empirical verification
B Dežman, S Trninić, D Dizdar
Collegium antropologicum 25 (1), 141-152, 2001
Analiza i učenje košarkaške igre
S Trninić
Empirical verification of the weighted system of criteria for the elite basketball players quality evaluation
S Trninić, D Dizdar, B Dežman
Collegium antropologicum 24 (2), 443-465, 2000
Set of Criteria for the Actual G) uality
S Trninić, A Perica, D Dizdarº
Coll. Antropol 23 (2), 707-721, 1999
Selekcija, priprema i vođenje košarkaša i momčadi
S Trninić
Strukturna analiza znanja u košarkaškoj igri
S Trninić
Player selection procedures in team sports games
S Trninić, V Papić, V Trninić, D Vukičević
Acta kinesiologica 2 (1), 24-28, 2008
Effects of developmental training of basketball cadets realised in the competitive period
S Trninić, G Marković, S Heimer
Collegium antropologicum 25 (2), 591-604, 2001
Analysis of differences between guards, forwards and centres based on some anthropometric characteristics and indicators of playing performance in basketball
S Trninić, D Dizdar, Ž Jaklinović-Fressl
Kinesiology 31 (1), 28-34, 1999
Hipotetski model specifičnih osobina vrhunskih sportaša u momčadskim sportskim igrama
S Trninić, I Kardum, B Mlačić
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 19 (3 (107)), 463-485, 2010
Latentna struktura standardnih pokazatelja situacijske efikasnosti u košarkaškoj igri
S Trninić, N Viskić-Štalec, J Štalec, D Dizdar, Ž Birkić
Kinesiology 27 (1), 27-37, 1995
Development management model of elite athletes in team sports games
M Trninić, S Trninić, V Papić
Collegium Antropologicum 33 (2), 363-372, 2009
Models of expert system and decision-making systems for efficient assessment of potential and actual quality of basketball players
B Dežman, S Trninić, D Dizdar
Kinesiology 33 (2.), 207-215, 2001
Kinesiological, anthropological, and methodological aspects of efficacy equation in team sports games
S Trninić, I Jelaska, V Papić
Acta kinesiologica 3 (2), 7-18, 2009
Structural analysis of knowledge based on specific attributes of the game of basketball
S Trninić, M Karalejić, S Jakovljević, I Jelaska
Physical culture 64 (2), 22-41, 2010
Analiza stanja u košarkaškoj utakmici
S Trninić, A Perica, L Pavičić
Kinesiology 26 (1-2), 27-32, 1994
Pragmatic validity of the combined model of expert system for assessment and analysis of the actual quality overall structure of basketball players
S Trninić, D Dizdar, B Dežman
Collegium antropologicum 26 (1), 199-210, 2002
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