DR Rama Raju G A
DR Rama Raju G A
Ostala imenaachyuta rama raju, ramaraju ga
krishnaivf clinic
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Assessment of uterine cavity by hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction programme and its influence on pregnancy outcome
GA Rama Raju, G Shashi Kumari, KM Krishna, GJ Prakash, K Madan
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 274 (3), 160-164, 2006
Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone synergy: A review of role in controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation
ASP Gottumukkala Achyuta Rama Raju1, Rahul Chavan2
Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 2013
Meiotic spindle and zona pellucida characteristics as predictors of embryonic development: a preliminary study using PolScope imaging
GAR Raju, GJ Prakash, KM Krishna, K Madan
Reproductive biomedicine online 14 (2), 166-174, 2007
Vitrification of human 8-cell embryos, a modified protocol for better pregnancy rates
GAR Raju, GB Haranath, KM Krishna, GJ Prakash, K Madan
Reproductive biomedicine online 11 (4), 434-437, 2005
Noninsulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus: effects on sperm morphological and functional characteristics, nuclear DNA integrity and outcome of assisted reproductive technique
GA Rama Raju, G Jaya Prakash, K Murali Krishna, K Madan, ...
Andrologia 44, 490-498, 2012
Association between obesity and sperm quality .
RC G. A. Ramaraju, S. Teppala, K. Prathigudupu, M. Kalagara, S. Thota, M. Kota
Andrologia 49 (8), 2017
Current opinion on use of luteinizing hormone supplementation in assisted reproduction therapy: an Asian perspective
TNLVAP Peng Cheang Wonga, Corresponding Author Contact
Reproductive biomedicine online, 2011
Neonatal outcome after vitrified day 3 embryo transfers: a preliminary study
GAR Raju, GJ Prakash, KM Krishna, K Madan
Fertility and sterility 92 (1), 143-148, 2009
Sperm DNA fragmentation assay by sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD): correlation between DNA fragmentation and outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection
T Sivanarayana, CR Krishna, GJ Prakash, KM Krishna, K Madan, ...
Reproductive Medicine and Biology 12, 1-8, 2013
Protective effect of alpha glucosyl hesperidin (G‐hesperidin) on chronic vanadium induced testicular toxicity and sperm nuclear DNA damage in male Sprague Dawley rats
B Vijaya Bharathi, G Jaya Prakash, KM Krishna, CH Ravi Krishna, ...
Andrologia 47 (5), 568-578, 2015
CASA derived human sperm abnormalities: correlation with chromatin packing and DNA fragmentation
T Sivanarayana, CR Krishna, GJ Prakash, KM Krishna, K Madan, BS Rani, ...
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 29, 1327-1334, 2012
Effect of Genetic Variants of Gonadotropins and Their Receptors on Ovarian Stimulation Outcomes: A Delphi Consensus
A Conforti, F Tüttelmann, C Alviggi, HM Behre, R Fischer, L Hu, ...
Frontiers in endocrinology 12, 2022
Vitrification of human early cavitating and deflated expanded blastocysts: clinical outcome of 474 cycles
GAR Raju, GJ Prakash, KM Krishna, K Madan
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 26, 523-529, 2009
Deep learning based quantification of ovary and follicles using 3d transvaginal ultrasound in assisted reproduction
P Mathur, K Kakwani, S Kudavelly, GA Ramaraju
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Access to infertility care and ART treatment in India: A clinician's perspective
GA Ramaraju, SPR Muvvala
Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 86, 102302, 2023
Role of Lh polymorphisms and r-hLh supplementation in GnRh agonist treated ART cycles: A cross sectional study
Ramaraju G.A.*, Ravikrishna Cheemakurthi, Kavitha Prathigudupu, Kavitha ...
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 222 …, 2018
Vitrification: an emerging technique for cryopreservation in assisted reproduction programmes
GR Raju, KM Krishna, GJ Prakash, K Madan
Embryo Talk 1 (4), 210-227, 2006
Successful pregnancy with laparoscopic oocyte retrieval and in-vitro fertilisation in mullerian agenesis
GA Rama Raju, GB Haranath, KM Krishna, GJ Prakash, K Madan
Singapore medical journal 47 (4), 329, 2006
Management strategies for POSEIDON group 2
SK Sunkara, GA Ramaraju, MS Kamath
Frontiers in Endocrinology 11, 105, 2020
Comparison of follitropin‐β administered by a pen device with conventional syringe in an ART programme–a retrospective study
GA Rama Raju, K Suryanarayana, G Jaya Prakash, K Murali Krishna
Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics 33 (4), 401-407, 2008
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