Gerald Gabriel
Gerald Gabriel
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Hannover
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Estimation of depth to the bottom of magnetic sources by a modified centroid method for fractal distribution of sources: An application to aeromagnetic data in Germany
AR Bansal, G Gabriel, VP Dimri, CM Krawczyk
Geophysics 76 (3), L11-L22, 2011
Geophysical investigation of buried Pleistocene subglacial valleys in Northern Germany
G Gabriel, R Kirsch, B Siemon, H Wiederhold
Journal of Applied Geophysics 53 (4), 159-180, 2003
Insight into the structure of the Upper Rhine Graben and its basement from a new compilation of Bouguer Gravity
Y Rotstein, JB Edel, G Gabriel, D Boulanger, M Schaming, M Munschy
Tectonophysics 425 (1-4), 55-70, 2006
Detailed investigation of preserved maar structures by combined geophysical surveys
R Schulz, H Buness, G Gabriel, R Pucher, C Rolf, H Wiederhold, T Wonik
Bulletin of Volcanology 68 (2), 95-106, 2005
Power law distribution of susceptibility and density and its relation to seismic properties: an example from the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB)
AR Bansal, G Gabriel, VP Dimri
Journal of Applied Geophysics 72 (2), 123-128, 2010
Timing of fluvial sedimentation in the Upper Rhine Graben since the Middle Pleistocene: constraints from quartz and feldspar luminescence dating
Y Li, S Tsukamoto, M Frechen, G Gabriel
Boreas, 2017
Anomalies of the Earth's total magnetic field in Germany–the first complete homogenous data set reveals new opportunities for multiscale geoscientific studies
G Gabriel, D Vogel, R Scheibe, H Lindner, R Pucher, T Wonik, ...
Geophysical Journal International 184 (3), 1113-1118, 2011
The Heidelberg Basin, Upper Rhine Graben (Germany): a unique archive of Quaternary sediments in Central Europe
G Gabriel, D Ellwanger, C Hoselmann, M Weidenfeller, ...
Quaternary International 292, 43-58, 2013
New gravity maps of the Eastern Alps and significance for the crustal structures
C Zanolla, C Braitenberg, J Ebbing, M Bernabini, K Bram, G Gabriel, ...
Tectonophysics 414 (1-4), 127-143, 2006
Geodetic monitoring of subrosion-induced subsidence processes in urban areas: Concept and status report
T Kersten, M Kobe, G Gabriel, L Timmen, S Schön, D Vogel
Journal of Applied Geodesy 11 (1), 21-29, 2017
The first pan-Alpine surface-gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers
P Zahorec, J Papčo, R Pašteka, M Bielik, S Bonvalot, C Braitenberg, ...
Earth System Science Data 13 (5), 2165-2209, 2021
Buried Quaternary valleys-a geophysical approach
E Auken, K Sorensen, H Lykke-Andersen, M Bakker, A Bosch, J Gunnink, ...
Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften 160 (3), 237-247, 2009
High-resolution reflection seismics reveal the structure and the evolution of the Quaternary glacial Tannwald Basin
T Burschil, H Buness, DC Tanner, U Wielandt-Schuster, D Ellwanger, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 16 (6), 593-610, 2018
Arbeitstreffen in der Forschungsstation Grube Messel mit neuen Ergebnissen aus der Messel-Forschung
DF Mertz, FJ Harms, G Gabriel, M Felder
Natur und Museum 134 (9), 289-290, 2004
Unravelling the shape and stratigraphy of a glacially-overdeepened valley with reflection seismic: the Lienz Basin (Austria)
T Burschil, DC Tanner, JM Reitner, H Buness, G Gabriel
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 112 (2), 341-355, 2019
Geophysical and geological investigation of maar structures in the Upper Lusatia region (East Saxony)[Geophysikalisch-geologische Erkundung von Maar-Lokalitäten im Gebiet der …
H Lindner, G Gabriel, HJ Götze, R Kaeppler, P Suhr
Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 157 (3), 355-372, 2006
Subsurface granites in the Franconian Basin as the source of enhanced geothermal gradients: a key study from gravity and thermal modeling of the Bayreuth Granite
H de Wall, A Schaarschmidt, M Kämmlein, G Gabriel, M Bestmann, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 108 (6), 1913-1936, 2019
Long sequence of Quaternary rocks in the Heidelberg Basin depocentre
D Ellwanger, G Gabriel, T Simon, U Wielandt-Schuster, RO Greiling, ...
Quaternary Science Journal (Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart) 57 (3–4), 316-337, 2008
The Heidelberg drilling project (Upper Rhine Graben, Germany)
D Ellwanger, G Gabriel, C Hoselmann, J Lämmermann-Barthel, ...
Quaternaire. Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire 16 …, 2005
Deep structure and evolution of the Harz Mountains: results of three-dimensional gravity and finite-element modeling
G Gabriel, T Jahr, G Jentzsch, J Melzer
Tectonophysics 270 (3-4), 279-299, 1997
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Articles 1–20