Jörg Feldmann
Jörg Feldmann
TESLA - Analytical Chemistry, University of Graz
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Metal chelation and inhibition of bacterial growth in tissue abscesses
BD Corbin, EH Seeley, A Raab, J Feldmann, MR Miller, VJ Torres, ...
Science 319 (5865), 962-965, 2008
Variation in arsenic speciation and concentration in paddy rice related to dietary exposure
PN Williams, AH Price, A Raab, SA Hossain, J Feldmann, AA Meharg
Environmental science & technology 39 (15), 5531-5540, 2005
Uptake kinetics of arsenic species in rice plants
MJ Abedin, J Feldmann, AA Meharg
Plant physiology 128 (3), 1120-1128, 2002
Greatly enhanced arsenic shoot assimilation in rice leads to elevated grain levels compared to wheat and barley
PN Williams, A Villada, C Deacon, A Raab, J Figuerola, AJ Green, ...
Environmental science & technology 41 (19), 6854-6859, 2007
Geographical variation in total and inorganic arsenic content of polished (white) rice
AA Meharg, PN Williams, E Adomako, YY Lawgali, C Deacon, A Villada, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (5), 1612-1617, 2009
Arsenic Accumulation and Metabolism in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
MJ Abedin, MS Cresser, AA Meharg, J Feldmann, J Cotter-Howells
Environmental science & technology 36 (5), 962-968, 2002
Mechanisms of Arsenic Hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata. Uptake Kinetics, Interactions with Phosphate, and Arsenic Speciation
J Wang, FJ Zhao, AA Meharg, A Raab, J Feldmann, SP McGrath
Plant physiology 130 (3), 1552-1561, 2002
Increase in rice grain arsenic for regions of Bangladesh irrigating paddies with elevated arsenic in groundwaters
PN Williams, MR Islam, EE Adomako, A Raab, SA Hossain, YG Zhu, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (16), 4903-4908, 2006
The rice aquaporin Lsi1 mediates uptake of methylated arsenic species
RY Li, Y Ago, WJ Liu, N Mitani, J Feldmann, SP McGrath, JF Ma, FJ Zhao
Plant physiology 150 (4), 2071-2080, 2009
Speciation and localization of arsenic in white and brown rice grains
AA Meharg, E Lombi, PN Williams, KG Scheckel, J Feldmann, A Raab, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (4), 1051-1057, 2008
Uptake, translocation and transformation of arsenate and arsenite in sunflower (Helianthus annuus): formation of arsenic–phytochelatin complexes during …
A Raab, H Schat, AA Meharg, J Feldmann
New phytologist 168 (3), 551-558, 2005
The Nature of Arsenic-Phytochelatin Complexes in Holcus lanatus and Pteris cretica
A Raab, J Feldmann, AA Meharg
Plant physiology 134 (3), 1113-1122, 2004
Inorganic arsenic in rice bran and its products are an order of magnitude higher than in bulk grain
GX Sun, PN Williams, AM Carey, YG Zhu, C Deacon, A Raab, J Feldmann, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (19), 7542-7546, 2008
Grain unloading of arsenic species in rice
AM Carey, KG Scheckel, E Lombi, M Newville, Y Choi, GJ Norton, ...
Plant Physiology 152 (1), 309-319, 2010
Uptake and translocation of inorganic and methylated arsenic species by plants
A Raab, PN Williams, A Meharg, J Feldmann
Environmental Chemistry 4 (3), 197-203, 2007
Market basket survey shows elevated levels of As in South Central US processed rice compared to California: consequences for human dietary exposure
PN Williams, A Raab, J Feldmann, AA Meharg
Environmental science & technology 41 (7), 2178-2183, 2007
Complexation of arsenite with phytochelatins reduces arsenite efflux and translocation from roots to shoots in Arabidopsis
WJ Liu, BA Wood, A Raab, SP McGrath, FJ Zhao, J Feldmann
Plant Physiology 152 (4), 2211-2221, 2010
Critical review or scientific opinion paper: arsenosugars—a class of benign arsenic species or justification for developing partly speciated arsenic fractionation in foodstuffs?
J Feldmann, EM Krupp
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 399, 1735-1741, 2011
Inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice are of concern
AA Meharg, G Sun, PN Williams, E Adomako, C Deacon, YG Zhu, ...
Environmental pollution 152 (3), 746-749, 2008
Cooking rice in a high water to rice ratio reduces inorganic arsenic content
A Raab, C Baskaran, J Feldmann, AA Meharg
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (1), 41-44, 2009
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Articles 1–20