Riza Batista-Navarro
Riza Batista-Navarro
Senior Lecturer in Text Mining, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester
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Cited by
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles
M Krallinger, O Rabal, F Leitner, M Vazquez, D Salgado, Z Lu, R Leaman, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-17, 2015
Natural language processing for requirements engineering: A systematic mapping study
L Zhao, W Alhoshan, A Ferrari, KJ Letsholo, MA Ajagbe, EV Chioasca, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (3), 1-41, 2021
Analyzing sentiments expressed on Twitter by UK energy company consumers
V Ikoro, M Sharmina, K Malik, R Batista-Navarro
2018 Fifth international conference on social networks analysis, management …, 2018
Sentiment and position-taking analysis of parliamentary debates: a systematic literature review
G Abercrombie, R Batista-Navarro
Journal of Computational Social Science 3 (1), 245-270, 2020
Text mining the history of medicine
P Thompson, RT Batista-Navarro, G Kontonatsios, J Carter, E Toon, ...
PloS one 11 (1), e0144717, 2016
Identification of research hypotheses and new knowledge from scientific literature
M Shardlow, R Batista-Navarro, P Thompson, R Nawaz, J McNaught, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 18, 1-13, 2018
Origin of the Aromatic Group of Cultivated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Traced to the Indian Subcontinent
P Civáň, S Ali, R Batista-Navarro, K Drosou, C Ihejieto, D Chakraborty, ...
Genome biology and evolution 11 (3), 832-843, 2019
Using text mining techniques to extract phenotypic information from the PhenoCHF corpus
N Alnazzawi, P Thompson, R Batista-Navarro, S Ananiadou
BMC medical informatics and decision making 15, 1-10, 2015
biochem4j: integrated and extensible biochemical knowledge through graph databases
N Swainston, R Batista-Navarro, P Carbonell, PD Dobson, M Dunstan, ...
PloS one 12 (7), e0179130, 2017
Facilitating the analysis of discourse phenomena in an interoperable NLP platform
RT Batista-Navarro, G Kontonatsios, C Mihăilă, P Thompson, R Rak, ...
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 14th …, 2013
Detecting experimental techniques and selecting relevant documents for protein-protein interactions from biomedical literature
X Wang, R Rak, A Restificar, C Nobata, CJ Rupp, RTB Batista-Navarro, ...
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-13, 2011
Proceedings of BioNLP 2011 Workshop
M Rei, T Briscoe, CN Hsu, CJ Kuo, C Cai, S Pendergrass, M Ritchie, ...
Proceedings of BioNLP 2011 Workshop, 124-133, 2011
Using uncertainty to link and rank evidence from biomedical literature for model curation
C Zerva, R Batista-Navarro, P Day, S Ananiadou
Bioinformatics 33 (23), 3784-3792, 2017
Whose story is it anyway? Automatic extraction of accounts from news articles
H Zhang, F Boons, R Batista-Navarro
Information processing & management 56 (5), 1837-1848, 2019
Optimising chemical named entity recognition with pre-processing analytics, knowledge-rich features and heuristics
R Batista-Navarro, R Rak, S Ananiadou
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-13, 2015
Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V
Q Wang, S S. Abdul, L Almeida, S Ananiadou, YI Balderas-Martínez, ...
Database 2016, baw119, 2016
Annotation and detection of drug effects in text for pharmacovigilance
P Thompson, S Daikou, K Ueno, R Batista-Navarro, J Tsujii, S Ananiadou
Journal of cheminformatics 10, 1-33, 2018
SciLite: a platform for displaying text-mined annotations as a means to link research articles with biological data
A Venkatesan, JH Kim, F Talo, M Ide-Smith, J Gobeill, J Carter, ...
Wellcome open research 1, 2016
BioCreative V BioC track overview: collaborative biocurator assistant task for BioGRID
S Kim, R Islamaj Doğan, A Chatr-Aryamontri, CS Chang, R Oughtred, ...
Database 2016, baw121, 2016
'Aye'or'No'? Speech-level Sentiment Analysis of Hansard UK Parliamentary Debate Transcripts
G Abercrombie, RT Batista-Navarro
LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2018
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Articles 1–20