Anastasia Liasidou
Anastasia Liasidou
St Mary's University, Twickenham, London
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Cited by
Critical disability studies and socially just change in higher education
A Liasidou
British journal of special education 41 (2), 120-135, 2014
Inclusive education and critical pedagogy at the intersections of disability, race, gender and class
A Liasidou
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 10 (1), 168-184, 2012
Critical discourse analysis and inclusive educational policies: The power to exclude
A Liasidou
Journal of Education Policy 23 (5), 483-500, 2008
Intersectional understandings of disability and implications for a social justice reform agenda in education policy and practice
A Liasidou
Disability & Society 28 (3), 299-312, 2013
Inclusive education, politics and policymaking
A Liasidou
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012
Neoliberal versus social justice reforms in education policy and practice: Discourses, politics and disability rights in education
A Liasidou, L Symeou
Critical studies in education 59 (2), 149-166, 2018
Inclusive education and the issue of change: Theory, policy and pedagogy
A Liasidou
Springer, 2015
Bilingual and special educational needs in inclusive classrooms: some critical and pedagogical considerations
A Liasidou
Support for learning 28 (1), 11-16, 2013
Unequal power relations and inclusive education policy making: A discursive analytic approach
A Liasidou
Educational Policy 25 (6), 887-907, 2011
Head teachers’ leadership for social justice and inclusion
A Liasidou, A Antoniou
School leadership & management 35 (4), 347-364, 2015
The cross-fertilization of critical race theory and disability studies: Points of convergence/divergence and some education policy implications
A Liasidou
Disability & Society 29 (5), 724-737, 2014
Educating leaders for social justice: The case of special educational needs co-ordinators
A Liasidou, C Svensson
International Journal of Inclusive Education 18 (8), 783-797, 2014
A special teacher for a special child?(Re) considering the role of the special education teacher within the context of an inclusive education reform agenda
A Liasidou, A Antoniou
European Journal of Special Needs Education 28 (4), 494-506, 2013
Disabling discourses and human rights law: a case study based on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
A Liasidou
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 37 (1), 149-162, 2016
Inclusive education policies and the feasibility of educational change: the case of Cyprus
A Liasidou
International Studies in Sociology of Education 17 (4), 329-347, 2007
Politics of inclusive education policy‐making: the case of Cyprus 4784 (excluding references)
A Liasidou
International journal of inclusive education 12 (3), 229-241, 2008
Critical Policy Research and Special Education Policymaking: A Policy Trajectory Approach.
A Liasidou
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) 7 (1), 2009
Disability rights in Higher Education Programs: The case of medical schools and other health-related disciplines
A Liasidou, K Mavrou
Social Science & Medicine 191, 143-150, 2017
Discourse, power interplays and ‘disordered identities’: an intersectional framework for analysis and policy development
A Liasidou
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 21 (2), 228-240, 2016
Inclusive pedagogies in digital post‐Covid‐19 higher education
A Liasidou
British Journal of Special Education 50 (1), 6-27, 2023
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Articles 1–20