Seyed M. Madani
Seyed M. Madani
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Isfahan
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Cited by
Super-twisting sliding mode direct power control of a brushless doubly fed induction generator
R Sadeghi, SM Madani, M Ataei, MRA Kashkooli, S Ademi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (11), 9147-9156, 2018
A new DFT-based phasor estimation algorithm using high-frequency modulation
B Jafarpisheh, SM Madani, SM Shahrtash
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 32 (6), 2416-2423, 2016
Improved DFT-based phasor estimation algorithm using down-sampling
B Jafarpisheh, SM Madani, S Jafarpisheh
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (6), 3242-3245, 2018
Simultaneous optimization of re-phasing, reconfiguration and DG placement in distribution networks using BF-SD algorithm
MR Kaveh, RA Hooshmand, SM Madani
Applied Soft Computing 62, 1044-1055, 2018
Analytical evaluation of control strategies for participation of doubly fed induction generator‐based wind farms in power system short‐term frequency regulation
M Akbari, SM Madani
IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (3), 324-333, 2014
Improved direct torque control for a DFIG under symmetrical voltage dip with transient flux damping
MRA Kashkooli, SM Madani, TA Lipo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (1), 28-37, 2019
Non‐isolated high step‐up three‐port converter with single magnetic element for photovoltaic systems
B Honarjoo, SM Madani, M Niroomand, E Adib
IET Power Electronics 11 (13), 2151-2160, 2018
An improved direct decoupled power control of doubly fed induction machine without rotor position sensor and with robustness to parameter variation
N Amiri, SM Madani, TA Lipo, HA Zarchi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (4), 873-884, 2012
A new smooth synchronization of brushless doubly-fed induction generator by applying a proposed machine model
R Sadeghi, SM Madani, M Ataei
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 371-380, 2017
Protection co-ordination: determination of the break point set
SM Madani, H Rijanto
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 145 (6), 717-721, 1998
Technique for inrush current modelling of power transformers based on core saturation analysis
A Moradi, SM Madani
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (10), 2317-2324, 2018
Single stage soft switching ac/dc converter without any extra switch
A Abasian, H Farzaneh‐fard, S Madani
IET Power Electronics 7 (3), 745-752, 2014
Power system frequency estimation using adaptive accelerated MUSIC
B Jafarpisheh, SM Madani, F Parvaresh, SM Shahrtash
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 67 (11), 2592-2602, 2018
A low-cost four-switch BLDC motor drive with active power factor correction
SM Madani, L Hao, HA Toliyat
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
A new application of graph theory for coordination of protective relays
SM Madani, H Rijanto
IEEE Power Engineering Review 18 (6), 43-45, 1998
New zero-voltage-switching bridgeless PFC, using an improved auxiliary circuit
M Ramezani, SM Madani
IET power electronics 4 (6), 732-741, 2011
Voltage-dip analysis of brushless doubly fed induction generator using reduced T-model
R Sadeghi, SM Madani, TA Lipo, MRA Kashkooli, M Ataei, S Ademi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (10), 7510-7519, 2018
Sensorless closed-loop voltage and frequency control of stand-alone DFIGs introducing direct flux-vector control
M Rostami, SM Madani, S Ademi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (7), 6078-6088, 2019
Phasor estimation algorithm based on complex frequency filters for digital relaying
B Jafarpisheh, SM Madani, F Parvaresh
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 67 (3), 582-592, 2018
Optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relays for microgrids using hybrid interval linear programming-differential evolution
P Omidi, S Abazari, SM Madani
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering 10 (2), 122-133, 2022
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Articles 1–20