K Ram Prabhakar
K Ram Prabhakar
Johns Hopkins University
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Deepfuse: A deep unsupervised approach for exposure fusion with extreme exposure image pairs
K Ram Prabhakar, V Sai Srikar, R Venkatesh Babu
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 4714-4722, 2017
Towards Practical and Efficient High-Resolution HDR Deghosting with CNN
KR Prabhakar, S Agrawal, DK Singh, B Ashwath, RV Babu
ECCV 2020, 497--513, 2020
A Fast, Scalable, and Reliable Deghosting Method for Extreme Exposure Fusion
KR Prabhakar, R Arora, A Swaminathan, KP Singh, RV Babu
ICCP, 2019
Ghosting-free multi-exposure image fusion in gradient domain
KR Prabhakar, RV Babu
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Labeled from unlabeled: Exploiting unlabeled data for few-shot deep hdr deghosting
KR Prabhakar, G Senthil, S Agrawal, RV Babu, RKSS Gorthi
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
PA-Fuse: deep supervised approach for the fusion of photoacoustic images with distinct reconstruction characteristics
N Awasthi, KR Prabhakar, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, RV Babu, ...
Biomedical optics express 10 (5), 2227-2243, 2019
Self-gated memory recurrent network for efficient scalable HDR deghosting
KR Prabhakar, S Agrawal, RV Babu
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 1228-1239, 2021
Cdnet++: Improved change detection with deep neural network feature correlation
KR Prabhakar, A Ramaswamy, S Bhambri, J Gubbi, RV Babu, ...
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Multi-domain conditional image translation: Translating driving datasets from clear-weather to adverse conditions
V Vinod, KR Prabhakar, RV Babu, A Chakraborty
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Whole-body detection, recognition and identification at altitude and range
S Huang, RP Kathirvel, CP Lau, R Chellappa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.05725, 2023
Improving sar and optical image fusion for lulc classification with domain knowledge
KR Prabhakar, VH Nukala, J Gubbi, A Pal, P Balamuralidhar
IGARSS 2022-2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2022
Multi-scale attention guided recurrent neural network for deformation map forecasting
VH Nukala, M Nayak, J Gubbi, B Purushothaman
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVII 11862, 154-159, 2021
Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Low Light RAW Image Enhancement
KR Prabhakar, V Vinod, NR Sahoo, RV Babu
British Machine Vision Conference, 2021
Ghosting free hdr for dynamic scenes via shift-maps
KR Prabhakar, RV Babu
Proceedings of the Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and …, 2016
Monitoring Urban Flooding Using SAR—A Mumbai Case Study
C Banolia, KR Prabhakar, S Deshpande
International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation, 59-68, 2023
Segmentation guided deep HDR deghosting
KR Prabhakar, S Agrawal, RV Babu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01229, 2022
Leveraging Thermal Modality to Enhance Reconstruction in Low-Light Conditions
J Xu, M Liao, KR Prabhakar, VM Patel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14053, 2024
Gaussian Harmony: Attaining Fairness in Diffusion-based Face Generation Models
B Pal, A Kannan, RP Kathirvel, AJ O'Toole, R Chellappa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.14976, 2023
Self-Supervised Learning of Whole and Component-Based Semantic Representations for Person Re-Identification
S Huang, Y Zhou, RP Kathirvel, R Chellappa, CP Lau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17074, 2023
GADER: GAit DEtection and Recognition in the Wild
Y Guo, C Peng, R Prabhakar, CP Lau, R Chellappa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14578, 2023
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Articles 1–20