Milan Vukov
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Cited by
Autogenerating microsecond solvers for nonlinear MPC: a tutorial using ACADO integrators
R Quirynen, M Vukov, M Zanon, M Diehl
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 36 (5), 685-704, 2015
Auto-generated algorithms for nonlinear model predictive control on long and on short horizons
M Vukov, A Domahidi, HJ Ferreau, M Morari, M Diehl
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5113-5118, 2013
Experimental validation of nonlinear MPC on an overhead crane using automatic code generation
M Vukov, W Van Loock, B Houska, HJ Ferreau, J Swevers, M Diehl
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 6264-6269, 2012
Real-time nonlinear MPC and MHE for a large-scale mechatronic application
M Vukov, S Gros, G Horn, G Frison, K Geebelen, JB Jørgensen, ...
Control Engineering Practice 45, 64-78, 2015
High-speed moving horizon estimation based on automatic code generation
HJ Ferreau, T Kraus, M Vukov, W Saeys, M Diehl
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 687-692, 2012
ACADO toolkit user’s manual
B Houska, H Ferreau, M Vukov, R Quirynen
Convergence guarantees for moving horizon estimation based on the real-time iteration scheme
A Wynn, M Vukov, M Diehl
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (8), 2215-2221, 2014
Model predictive control of autonomous vehicles
M Zanon, JV Frasch, M Vukov, S Sager, M Diehl
Optimization and optimal control in automotive systems, 41-57, 2014
Auto generation of implicit integrators for embedded NMPC with microsecond sampling times
R Quirynen, M Vukov, M Diehl
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (17), 175-180, 2012
A new quadratic programming strategy for efficient sparsity exploitation in SQP-based nonlinear MPC and MHE
JV Frasch, M Vukov, HJ Ferreau, M Diehl
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 2945-2950, 2014
Nonlinear MPC and MHE for mechanical multi-body systems with application to fast tethered airplanes
S Gros, M Zanon, M Vukov, M Diehl
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (17), 86-93, 2012
Multiple shooting in a microsecond
R Quirynen, M Vukov, M Diehl
Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition Methods: MuS-TDD, Heidelberg …, 2015
A real-time MHE and NMPC scheme for wind turbine control
S Gros, M Vukov, M Diehl
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1007-1012, 2013
Moving Horizon Estimation for Induction Motors
D Frick, A Domahidi, M Vukov, S Mariethoz, M Diehl, M Morari
Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED), 2012 IEEE Symposium on, 1-6, 2012
Experimental validation of combined nonlinear optimal control and estimation of an overhead crane
F Debrouwere, M Vukov, R Quirynen, M Diehl, J Swevers
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9617-9622, 2014
An experimental test setup for advanced estimation and control of an airbornewind energy system
K Geebelen, M Vukov, M Zanon, S Gros, A Wagner, M Diehl, D Vandepitte, ...
Airborne wind energy, 459-471, 2013
A condensing algorithm for nonlinear MPC with a quadratic runtime in horizon length
JAE Andersson, JV Frasch, M Vukov, M Diehl
Automatica, 97-100, 2013
An experimental test set-up for launch/recovery of an Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) system
K Geebelen, H Ahmad, M Vukov, S Gros, J Swevers, M Diehl
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 4405-4410, 2012
Embedded Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation for Mechatronics Applications
M Vukov
status: accepted, 2015
A real-time MHE and NMPC scheme for the control of multi-mega watts wind turbines
S Gros, M Vukov, M Diehl
Proc. of the IEEE 52nd annual conference on Decision and Control, 1007-1012, 2013
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Articles 1–20