Brian W Bush
Brian W Bush
Senior Prototype Engineer at IOHK / IOG
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Unified approach to fuzzy graph problems
M Blue, B Bush, J Puckett
Fuzzy sets and Systems 125 (3), 355-368, 2002
Thermal shape fluctuations, Landau theory, and giant dipole resonances in hot rotating nuclei
Y Alhassid, B Bush, S Levit
Physical Review Letters 61 (17), 1926-1929, 1988
TRANSIMS: Transportation analysis simulation system
C Barrett, R Beckman, K Berkbigler, K Bisset, B Bush, K Campbell, ...
Los Alamos National Laboratory Unclassified Report, 2001
Assessing the value of electric vehicle managed charging: a review of methodologies and results
MB Anwar, M Muratori, P Jadun, E Hale, B Bush, P Denholm, O Ma, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (2), 466-498, 2022
Effects of thermal fluctuations on giant dipole resonances in hot rotating nuclei
Y Alhassid, B Bush
Nuclear Physics A 509 (3), 461-498, 1990
Population mobility generator and simulator
C Barrett, R Beckman, S Eubank, M Marathe, K Baggerly, M McKay, ...
US Patent App. 10/100,501, 2004
Orientation fluctuations and the angular distribution of the giant-dipole-resonance γ rays in hot rotating nuclei
Y Alhassid, B Bush
Physical review letters 65 (20), 2527-2530, 1990
Future integrated mobility-energy systems: A modeling perspective
M Muratori, P Jadun, B Bush, D Bielen, L Vimmerstedt, J Gonder, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109541, 2020
Critical infrastructure protection decision support system (CIP/DSS) project overview
B Bush, LR Dauelsberg, RJ LeClaire, DR Powell, SM Deland, ME Samsa
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference of the system dynamics …, 2005
Reconnection scaling experiment: A new device for three-dimensional magnetic reconnection studies
I Furno, T Intrator, E Torbert, C Carey, MD Cash, JK Campbell, WJ Fienup, ...
Review of scientific instruments 74 (4), 2324-2331, 2003
Nuclear level densities in the static-path approximation. Pt. 2
Y Alhassid, BW Bush
Ethanol distribution, dispensing, and use: analysis of a portion of the biomass-to-biofuels supply chain using system dynamics
LJ Vimmerstedt, B Bush, S Peterson
PloS one 7 (5), e35082, 2012
Shape diffusion in the shell model
BW Bush, GF Bertsch, BA Brown
Physical Review C 45 (4), 1709, 1992
On the width of the giant dipole resonance in deformed nuclei
B Bush, Y Alhassid
Nuclear Physics A 531 (1), 27-38, 1991
Modeling hydrogen refueling infrastructure to support passenger vehicles
M Muratori, B Bush, C Hunter, MW Melaina
Energies 11 (5), 1171, 2018
Modeling biofuel expansion effects on land use change dynamics
E Warner, D Inman, B Kunstman, B Bush, L Vimmerstedt, S Peterson, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 015003, 2013
Stochastic approach to giant dipole resonances in hot rotating nuclei
Y Alhassid, B Bush
Physical Review Letters 63 (22), 2452, 1989
Growing a sustainable biofuels industry: economics, environmental considerations, and the role of the Conservation Reserve Program
CM Clark, Y Lin, BG Bierwagen, LM Eaton, MH Langholtz, PE Morefield, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 025016, 2013
Transportation analysis simulation system (TRANSIMS)
CL Barrett, RJ Beckman, KP Berkbigler, KR Bisset, BW Bush, K Campbell, ...
portland study reports, 1999
Using system dynamics to model the transition to biofuels in the United States
B Bush, M Duffy, D Sandor, S Peterson
2008 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 1-6, 2008
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