Željka Ujević Andrijić
Željka Ujević Andrijić
assist. prof.
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Cited by
Ensemble Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Time Series Forecasting: Improving Prediction Accuracy for Hourly Concentrations of Ambient Air Pollutants
V Petrić, H Hussain, K Časni, M Vuckovic, A Schopper, ŽU Andrijić, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 24 (12), 230317, 2024
Development of a Calibration Model for Real-Time Solute Concentration Monitoring during Crystallization of Ceritinib Using Raman Spectroscopy and In-Line Process Microscopy
M Gavran, Ž Ujević Andrijić, N Bolf, N Rimac, J Sacher, D Šahnić
Processes 11 (12), 3439, 2023
Application of Neural Networks for Estimating the Concentration of Active Ingredients Solution using In-situ ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
T Herceg, Ž Ujević Andrijić, M Gavran, J Sacher, I Vrban, N Bolf
Kemija u industriji: Časopis kemičara i kemijskih inženjera Hrvatske 72 (11 …, 2023
Development of Mathematical Models for Industrial Processes Using Dynamic Neural Networks
S Herceg, Ž Ujević Andrijić, N Rimac, N Bolf
Mathematics 11 (21), 4518, 2023
Primjena neuronskih mreža za procjenu koncentracije otopine ksilometazolin hidroklorida u n-butanolu primjenom ATR-FTIR spektroskopije in situ.
T Herceg, ŽU Andrijić, M Gavran, J Sache, I Vrban, N Bolf
Kemija u Industriji 72, 2023
Calculation of the Optimal Cooling Temperature Profile of the Batch Crystalliser
J Sacher, M Sejdić, M Gavran, N Bolf, Ž Ujević Andrijić
Kemija u industriji: Časopis kemičara i kemijskih inženjera Hrvatske 72 (7-8 …, 2023
Proračun optimalnog temperaturnog profila hlađenja šaržnog kristalizatora
J Sacher, M Sejdić, M Gavran, N Bolf, Ž Ujević Andrijić
Kemija u industriji: Časopis kemičara i kemijskih inženjera Hrvatske 72 (7-8 …, 2023
Comparison of NTU and neural network models for fouling monitoring of heat exchangers in the preheat train section of a Crude Distillation Unit
ŽU Andrijić, N Rimac
Book of Abstracts, 176, 2023
Design, construction and control of a manipulator driven by pneumatic artificial muscles
Ž Šitum, S Herceg, N Bolf, Ž Ujević Andrijić
Sensors 23 (2), 776, 2023
The rapid development of calibration models for supersaturation tracking using in-situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
J Sacher, M Gavran, N Bolf, Ž Ujević Andrijić
28HSKIKI, 169-169, 2023
Fouling detection in industrial heat exchanger using number of transfer units method, neural network, and nonlinear finite impulse response models
ŽU Andrijić, N Bolf, N Rimac, A Brzović
Heat transfer engineering 43 (21), 1852-1866, 2022
Support Vector Machine-based Soft Sensors in the Isomerisation Process
S Herceg, Ž Ujević Andrijić, N Bolf
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 34 (4), 243-255, 2020
Development of soft sensors for isomerization process based on support vector machine regression and dynamic polynomial models
S Herceg, ŽU Andrijić, N Bolf
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 149, 95-103, 2019
Osvježimo znanje: Umjetne neuronske mreže
Ž Ujević Andrijić
Kemija u industriji: Časopis kemičara i kemijskih inženjera Hrvatske 68 (5-6 …, 2019
Umjetne neuronske mreže
ŽU Andrijić, N Bolf
Kem. Ind 68 (5-6), 219-220, 2019
Soft sensors model optimization and application for the refinery real-time prediction of toluene content
I Mohler, Ž Ujević Andrijić, N Bolf
Chemical engineering communications 205 (3), 411-421, 2018
Using the PI System in Chemical Engineering Education and Research
Ž Ujević Andrijić, N Bolf
Continuous estimation of the key components content in the isomerization process products
S Herceg, ŽU Andrijić, N Bolf
Soft sensor models for a fractionation reformate plant using small and bootstrapped data sets
ŽU Andrijić, M Cvetnić, N Bolf
Brazilian journal of chemical engineering 35 (2), 745-756, 2018
Development of inferential models for fractionation reformate unit
ŽU Andrijić, I Mohler, N Bolf, H Dorić
2017 21st International Conference on Process Control (PC), 143-148, 2017
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Articles 1–20