Hamed Habibi
Hamed Habibi
Automation and Robotic Research Group, SnT, University of Luxembourg
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Reliability improvement of wind turbine power generation using model-based fault detection and fault tolerant control: A review
H Habibi, I Howard, S Simani
Renewable Energy 135, 877-896, 2019
Adaptive PID control of wind turbines for power regulation with unknown control direction and actuator faults
H Habibi, HR Nohooji, I Howard
IEEE Access 6, 37464-37479, 2018
Decoupling adaptive sliding mode observer design for wind turbines subject to simultaneous faults in sensors and actuators
H Habibi, I Howard, S Simani, A Fekih
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (4), 837-847, 2021
Backstepping Nussbaum gain dynamic surface control for a class of input and state constrained systems with actuator faults
H Habibi, HR Nohooji, I Howard
Information Sciences 482, 27-46, 2019
Power maximization of variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines using passive adaptive neural fault tolerant control
H Habibi, HR Nohooji, I Howard
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 12 (3), 377–388, 2017
Safe navigation of a quadrotor UAV with uncertain dynamics and guaranteed collision avoidance using barrier Lyapunov function
H Habibi, A Safaei, H Voos, M Darouach, JL Sanchez-Lopez
Aerospace Science and Technology 132, 108064, 2023
Bayesian Sensor Fault Detection in a Markov Jump System
H Habibi, I Howard, R Habibi
Asian Journal of Control 19 (4), 1465–1481, 2017
UAV path planning employing MPC-reinforcement learning method considering collision avoidance
M Ramezani, H Habibi, JL Sanchez-Lopez, H Voos
2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 507-514, 2023
Fault diagnosis and Fault tolerant control of wind turbines: An overview
A Fekih, H Habibi, S Simani
Energies 15 (19), 7186, 2022
Optimum efficiency control of a wind turbine with unknown desired trajectory and actuator faults
H Habibi, H Rahimi Nohooji, I Howard
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9 (6), 2017
Bayesian fault probability estimation: Application in wind turbine drivetrain sensor fault detection
H Habibi, I Howard, R Habibi
Asian journal of control 22 (2), 624-647, 2020
Power improvement of non-linear wind turbines during partial load operation using fuzzy inference control
H Habibi, AY Koma, I Howard
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 19 (2), 31-42, 2017
Observer-based sensor fault tolerant control with prescribed tracking performance for a class of nonlinear systems
H Habibi, A Yazdani, M Darouach, H Wang, T Fernando, I Howard
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023
Constrained control of wind turbines for power regulation in full load operation
H Habibi, HR Nohooji, I Howard
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2813-2818, 2017
Power and velocity Control of Wind Turbines by adaptive Fuzzy controller during Full Load Operation
H Habibi, A Yousefi Koma, A Sharifian
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 13 (3), 35-48, 2016
Fault-tolerant neuro adaptive constrained control of wind turbines for power regulation with uncertain wind speed variation
H Habibi, H Rahimi Nohooji, I Howard, S Simani
Energies 12 (24), 4712, 2019
Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in Centrifugal Heart Pump by Utilizing Meshless Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamic Method
E Rahmanian, M Navidbakhsh, M mohammadzadeh, H Habibi
International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology 7 (3), 73-82, 2015
On SORA for High-Risk UAV Operations under New EU Regulations: Perspectives for Automated Approach
H Habibi, DV Rao, JL Sanchez-Lopez, H Voos
2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 213-220, 2023
Robust prescribed trajectory tracking control of a robot manipulator using adaptive finite-time sliding mode and extreme learning machine method
M Raoufi, H Habibi, A Yazdani, H Wang
Robotics 11 (5), 111, 2022
Wind turbine pitch actuator regulation for efficient and reliable energy conversion: A fault-tolerant constrained control solution
H Habibi, I Howard, S Simani
Actuators 11 (4), 102, 2022
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