Miroslav Rajter
Miroslav Rajter
University of Zagreb Faculty of Law
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Internet addiction test: Croatian preliminary study
I Černja, L Vejmelka, M Rajter
BMC psychiatry 19, 1-11, 2019
Lifetime and past-year prevalence of children’s exposure to violence in 9 Balkan countries: the BECAN study
G Nikolaidis, K Petroulaki, F Zarokosta, A Tsirigoti, A Hazizaj, E Cenko, ...
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 12, 1-15, 2018
Epidemiološko istraživanje prevalencije i incidencije nasilja nad djecom u obitelji u Hrvatskoj
M Ajduković, I Rimac, M Rajter, N Sušac
Ljetopis socijalnog rada 19 (3), 367-412, 2012
Gender and age differences in prevalence and incidence of child sexual abuse in Croatia
M Ajduković, N Sušac, M Rajter
Croatian medical journal 54 (5), 469-479, 2013
Individual and contextual factors for the child abuse potential of Croatian mothers: The role of social support in times of economic hardship
M Ajduković, M Rajter, I Rezo
Child abuse & neglect 78, 60-70, 2018
Measuring violence against children: The adequacy of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) child abuse screening tool-Child version …
F Meinck, AL Murray, MP Dunne, P Schmidt, G Nikolaidis, K Petroulaki, ...
Child abuse & neglect 108, 104636, 2020
Obiteljski odnosi i roditeljstvo u obiteljima različitog prihoda: kako je život u visokom riziku od siromaštva povezan s funkcioniranjem obitelji adolescenata?
M Ajduković, M Rajter, I Rezo
Revija za socijalnu politiku 26 (1), 69-94, 2019
Illusion of linearity in geometry: Effect in multiple-choice problems
V Vlahović-Štetić, N Pavlin-Bernardić, M Rajter
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 12 (1), 54-67, 2010
Obiteljski stresori i obilježja obitelji kao prediktori roditeljskog nasilja nad djecom
M Rajter
Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, 2013
Obiteljski ekonomski stres kao čimbenik rizika za nasilne odgojne postupke i psihosocijalnu dobrobit djece
M Ajduković, M Rajter
Razlike u društvenom kapitalu stanovništva Hrvatske s obzirom na stupanj urbaniziranosti naselja stanovanja.
F Majetić, M Rajter, M Dević
Revija za sociologiju 47 (1), 2017
Doprinos modela obiteljskoga stresa u objašnjenju rizika za zlostavljanje adolescenata u obitelji
I Rezo, M Rajter, M Ajduković
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 28 (4), 669-689, 2019
Prediktori počinjenog i doživljenog nasilja među djecom u domovima za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi
L Vejmelka, M Rajter
Ljetopis socijalnog rada 20 (2), 241-267, 2013
Socio-demografske odrednice stava prema tjelesnom kažnjavanju djece
M Rajter, M Trbus, N Pećnik
Ljetopis socijalnog rada 23 (2), 211-234, 2016
Cyberbullying in COVID-19 pandemic decreases? Research of internet habits of Croatian adolescents
L Vejmelka, R Matkovic, M Rajter
Information 13 (12), 586, 2022
Report on the Family Abuse and Neglect of Children–Overview of the situation in Croatia
M Ajduković, M Rajter, J Ogresta, N Sušac
Preuzeto s: http://www. becan. eu/sites/default/files/becan_images/Progress …, 2010
Sudjelovanje djece i roditelja u pripremi epidemiološkog istraživanja nasilja nad djecom: Iskustva fokusnih grupa
M Ajduković, M Rajter, N Sušac
Dijalog i društvo 12 (1/2), 67-82, 2010
Grey workers in the European Union: precariousness among economically dependent solo self-employed
F Majetic, M Rajter, C Bassetti
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 43 (7/8), 609-625, 2023
Differences in the Relationship between Personal Values and the Dark Triad in Men and Women
T Pavlović, M Rajter
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 29 (3), 349-371, 2020
Recommendation for a Typology of Cities and Municipalities in Croatia according to Development level
Z Stiperski, J Lončar, M Rajter
Folia geographica 63 (1), 85, 2021
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Articles 1–20