Miroslav Vrankic
Miroslav Vrankic
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Rijeka
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Complex Pearson correlation coefficient for EEG connectivity analysis
Z Šverko, M Vrankić, S Vlahinić, P Rogelj
Sensors 22 (4), 1477, 2022
A signal denoising method based on the improved ICI rule
J Lerga, M Vrankic, V Sucic
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 15, 601-604, 2008
Adaptive 2-D wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme with preserved vanishing moments
M Vrankic, D Sersic, V Sucic
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (8), 1987-2004, 2010
Adaptive filter support selection for signal denoising based on the improved ICI rule
V Sucic, J Lerga, M Vrankic
Digital Signal Processing 23 (1), 65-74, 2013
Edge-preserving adaptive wavelet denoising using ICI rule
M Tomic, D Sersic, M Vrankic
Electronics letters 44 (11), 698-699, 2008
Design considerations for the auditory brain computer interface speller
I Markovinović, M Vrankić, S Vlahinić, Z Šverko
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 75, 103546, 2022
Separable image denoising based on the relative intersection of confidence intervals rule
J Lerga, V Sucic, M Vrankić
Informatica 22 (3), 383-394, 2011
Dynamic connectivity analysis using adaptive window size
Z Šverko, M Vrankic, S Vlahinić, P Rogelj
Sensors 22 (14), 5162, 2022
Image denoising based on adaptive quincunx wavelets
M Vrankic, D Sersic
IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2004., 251-254, 2004
Video denoising based on adaptive temporal averaging
D Bartovčak, M Vrankić
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih …, 2012
EEG-Validated Photobiomodulation Treatment of Dementia—Case Study
M Vrankic, S Vlahinić, Z Šverko, I Markovinović
Sensors 22 (19), 7555, 2022
Sparse time-frequency distribution reconstruction using the adaptive compressed sensed area optimized with the multi-objective approach
V Jurdana, N Lopac, M Vrankic
Sensors 23 (8), 4148, 2023
Adaptation of a 2-D nonseparable wavelet filter bank with variable number of zero moments
D Seršić, M Vrankić
Proc of Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, September 2002, 2002
Brain computer interface based communicator for persons in locked-in state
S Vlahinić, L Batistić, GM Jadav, M Vrankić
Informatica 30 (4), 781-798, 2019
Image denoising by combined Quincunx and separable wavelet-domain wiener filtering
M Vrankic, K Egiazarian, A Gotchev
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, 2004. NORSIG 2004 …, 2004
Method for Automatic Estimation of Instantaneous Frequency and Group Delay in Time–Frequency Distributions with Application in EEG Seizure Signals Analysis
V Jurdana, M Vrankic, N Lopac, GM Jadav
Sensors 23 (10), 4680, 2023
Monitoring cerebral processing of gustatory stimulation and perception using emotiv epoc
GM Jadav, M Vrankić, S Vlahinić
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2015
Adaptation in the quincunx wavelet filter bank with applications in image denoising
M Vrankic, D Sersic
2-D nonseparable wavelet filter bank with adaptive filter parameters
D Sersic, M Vrankic
2002 11th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2002
EEG data processing in ADHD diagnosis and neurofeedback
Z Šverko, S Vlahinić, M Vrankić, I Markovinović
Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih …, 2020
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Articles 1–20