Francesca Guerriero
Cited by
Cited by
Operational research in the management of the operating theatre: a survey
F Guerriero, R Guido
Health care management science 14, 89-114, 2011
Real-time vehicle routing: Solution concepts, algorithms and parallel computing strategies
G Ghiani, F Guerriero, G Laporte, R Musmanno
European journal of operational research 151 (1), 1-11, 2003
Drone-aided routing: A literature review
G Macrina, LDP Pugliese, F Guerriero, G Laporte
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 120, 102762, 2020
Link-stability and energy aware routing protocol in distributed wireless networks
F De Rango, F Guerriero, P Fazio
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems 23 (4), 713-726, 2010
The green mixed fleet vehicle routing problem with partial battery recharging and time windows
G Macrina, LDP Pugliese, F Guerriero, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 101, 183-199, 2019
A stochastic inventory routing problem with stock-out
L Bertazzi, A Bosco, F Guerriero, D Lagana
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 27, 89-107, 2013
A survey of resource constrained shortest path problems: Exact solution approaches
LDP Pugliese, F Guerriero
Networks 62 (3), 183-200, 2013
Label correcting methods to solve multicriteria shortest path problems
F Guerriero, R Musmanno
Journal of optimization theory and applications 111, 589-613, 2001
An energy-efficient green-vehicle routing problem with mixed vehicle fleet, partial battery recharging and time windows
G Macrina, G Laporte, F Guerriero, LDP Pugliese
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (3), 971-982, 2019
Optimal drone placement and cost-efficient target coverage
D Zorbas, LDP Pugliese, T Razafindralambo, F Guerriero
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 75, 16-31, 2016
A multi-objective approach for unmanned aerial vehicle routing problem with soft time windows constraints
F Guerriero, R Surace, V Loscri, E Natalizio
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (3), 839-852, 2014
An adjustable robust optimization model for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with uncertain activity durations
ME Bruni, LDP Pugliese, P Beraldi, F Guerriero
Omega 71, 66-84, 2017
Last-mile deliveries by using drones and classical vehicles
L Di Puglia Pugliese, F Guerriero
Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications: ODS …, 2017
Optimization models for radiotherapy patient scheduling
D Conforti, F Guerriero, R Guido
4or 6, 263-278, 2008
A milk collection problem with incompatibility constraints
M Caramia, F Guerriero
Interfaces 40 (2), 130-143, 2010
Non-block scheduling with priority for radiotherapy treatments
D Conforti, F Guerriero, R Guido
European Journal of Operational Research 201 (1), 289-296, 2010
Crowd-shipping with time windows and transshipment nodes
G Macrina, LDP Pugliese, F Guerriero, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 113, 104806, 2020
Energy efficient mobile target tracking using flying drones
D Zorbas, T Razafindralambo, F Guerriero
Procedia Computer Science 19, 80-87, 2013
A heuristic approach for resource constrained project scheduling with uncertain activity durations
ME Bruni, P Beraldi, F Guerriero, E Pinto
Computers & Operations Research 38 (9), 1305-1318, 2011
A mathematical model for the Multi-Levels Product Allocation Problem in a warehouse with compatibility constraints
F Guerriero, R Musmanno, O Pisacane, F Rende
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (6), 4385-4398, 2013
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Articles 1–20