Lars Finn Sloth Larsen
Lars Finn Sloth Larsen
Danfoss A/S
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Cited by
Model predictive control technologies for efficient and flexible power consumption in refrigeration systems
TG Hovgaard, LFS Larsen, K Edlund, JB Jørgensen
Energy 44 (1), 105-116, 2012
Model based control of refrigeration systems
LFS Larsen
Hybrid NMPC of supermarket display cases
D Sarabia, F Capraro, LFS Larsen, C de Prada
Control Engineering Practice 17 (4), 428-441, 2009
Performance of residential air-conditioning systems with flow maldistribution in fin-and-tube evaporators
MR Kærn, W Brix, B Elmegaard, LFS Larsen
international journal of refrigeration 34 (3), 696-706, 2011
On using Pareto optimality to tune a linear model predictive controller for wind turbines
PF Odgaard, LFS Larsen, R Wisniewski, TG Hovgaard
Renewable Energy 87, 884-891, 2016
Model prediction controlled refrigeration system
LFS Larsen, C Thybo
US Patent 7,905,103, 2011
Nonconvex model predictive control for commercial refrigeration
TG Hovgaard, S Boyd, LFS Larsen, JB Jørgensen
International Journal of Control 86 (8), 1349-1366, 2013
Flexible and cost efficient power consumption using economic MPC a supermarket refrigeration benchmark
TG Hovgaard, LFS Larsen, JB Jørgensen
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and European control …, 2011
Supermarket refrigeration system-benchmark for hybrid system control
LFS Larsen, R Izadi-Zamanabadi, R Wisniewski
2007 European Control Conference (ECC), 113-120, 2007
Robust economic MPC for a power management scenario with uncertainties
TG Hovgaard, LFS Larsen, JB Jørgensen
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Non-linear and adaptive control of a refrigeration system
H Rasmussen, LFS Larsen
IET Control Theory & Applications 5 (2), 364-378, 2011
Hybrid model predictive control in supermarket refrigeration systems
LFS Larsen, T Geyer, M Morari
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 313-318, 2005
Potential energy savings in refrigeration systems using optimal set-points
LS Larsen, C Thybo
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control …, 2004
Compensation of flow maldistribution in fin-and-tube evaporators for residential air-conditioning
MR Kærn, W Brix, B Elmegaard, LFS Larsen
International Journal of Refrigeration 34 (5), 1230-1237, 2011
Power consumption in refrigeration systems-modeling for optimization
TG Hovgaard, LFS Larsen, MJ Skovrup, JB Jørgensen
2011 international symposium on advanced control of industrial processes …, 2011
Nonlinear superheat and capacity control of a refrigeration plant
H Rasmussen, LFS Larsen
2009 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1072-1077, 2009
Hybrid control of a supermarket refrigeration systems
D Sarabia, F Capraro, LFS Larsen, C de Prada
2007 American Control Conference, 4178-4185, 2007
Comparison of fin-and-tube interlaced and face split evaporators with flow maldistribution and compensation
MR Kærn, B Elmegaard, LFS Larsen
International journal of refrigeration 36 (1), 203-214, 2013
A method for online steady state energy minimization, with application to refrigeration systems
LFS Larsen, C Thybo, J Stoustrup, H Rasmussen
2004 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)(IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Modeling and control of indoor climate using a heat pump based floor heating system
Z Yang, GKM Pedersen, LFS Larsen, H Thybo
IECON 2007-33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2007
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Articles 1–20