Amy Boddy
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Cited by
Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity
CA Aktipis, AM Boddy, G Jansen, U Hibner, ME Hochberg, CC Maley, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Classifying the evolutionary and ecological features of neoplasms
CC Maley, A Aktipis, TA Graham, A Sottoriva, AM Boddy, M Janiszewska, ...
Nature Reviews Cancer 17 (10), 605-619, 2017
Life history trade-offs in cancer evolution
C Aktipis, AM Boddy, RA Gatenby, JS Brown, CC Maley
Nature Reviews Cancer 13 (12), 883-892, 2013
Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: a review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb
AM Boddy, A Fortunato, M Wilson Sayres, A Aktipis
Bioessays 37 (10), 1106-1118, 2015
Understanding cooperation through fitness interdependence
A Aktipis, L Cronk, J Alcock, JD Ayers, C Baciu, D Balliet, AM Boddy, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (7), 429-431, 2018
Comparative analysis of encephalization in mammals reveals relaxed constraints on anthropoid primate and cetacean brain scaling
AM Boddy, MR McGowen, CC Sherwood, LI Grossman, M Goodman, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 25 (5), 981-994, 2012
Cancer risk across mammals
O Vincze, F Colchero, JF Lemaître, DA Conde, S Pavard, M Bieuville, ...
Nature 601 (7892), 263-267, 2022
Peto’s Paradox: how has evolution solved the problem of cancer prevention?
M Tollis, AM Boddy, CC Maley
BMC biology 15, 1-5, 2017
Identification of a genetic variant associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms on chromosome 3p12. 3 by genome wide association
JR Elmore, MA Obmann, H Kuivaniemi, G Tromp, GS Gerhard, ...
Journal of Vascular Surgery 49 (6), 1525-1531, 2009
Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer
AM Dujon, A Aktipis, C Alix‐Panabières, SR Amend, AM Boddy, JS Brown, ...
Evolutionary Applications 14 (4), 877-892, 2021
Natural selection in cancer biology: from molecular snowflakes to trait hallmarks
A Fortunato, A Boddy, D Mallo, A Aktipis, CC Maley, JW Pepper
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 7 (2), a029652, 2017
Molecular biology and evolution of cancer: from discovery to action
JA Somarelli, H Gardner, VL Cannataro, EF Gunady, AM Boddy, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (2), 320-326, 2020
Lifetime cancer prevalence and life history traits in mammals
AM Boddy, LM Abegglen, AP Pessier, A Aktipis, JD Schiffman, CC Maley, ...
Evolution, medicine, and public health 2020 (1), 187-195, 2020
Basic research studies to understand aneurysm disease.
AM Boddy, GM Lenk, JH Lillvis, J Nischan, Y Kyo, H Kuivaniemi
Drug news & perspectives 21 (3), 142-148, 2008
Cancer susceptibility and reproductive trade-offs: a model of the evolution of cancer defences
AM Boddy, H Kokko, F Breden, GS Wilkinson, CA Aktipis
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Evolution of cancer suppression as revealed by mammalian comparative genomics
M Tollis, JD Schiffman, AM Boddy
Current opinion in genetics & development 42, 40-47, 2017
Role of complement cascade in abdominal aortic aneurysms
I Hinterseher, R Erdman, LA Donoso, TR Vrabec, CM Schworer, JH Lillvis, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 31 (7), 1653-1660, 2011
Inhibitory interneurons of the human prefrontal cortex display conserved evolution of the phenotype and related genes
CC Sherwood, MA Raghanti, CD Stimpson, MA Spocter, M Uddin, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1684), 1011-1020, 2010
Elephant genomes reveal accelerated evolution in mechanisms underlying disease defenses
M Tollis, E Ferris, MS Campbell, VK Harris, SM Rupp, TM Harrison, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (9), 3606-3620, 2021
Dynamic gene expression in the human cerebral cortex distinguishes children from adults
KN Sterner, A Weckle, HT Chugani, AL Tarca, CC Sherwood, PR Hof, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e37714, 2012
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Articles 1–20